My Mouth Was Agape!

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Exactly what NOT to do:

A co-worker started telling me his computer woes.

SubjectX: "My wife received a MySpace invite from someone we didn't know.

Me: Go on.

SubjectX: "So I told her to add her, why not?"

Me: Uh-oh.

SubjectX: "We signed up and when we went to her page it said to display her page it had to dowload ... "

Me: UH-OH.

SubjectX: "... something, so I did ... "

Me: No! You didn't!

SubjectX: " ... then it said it had to download something else, so I did ... "

Me: What were you thinking?!? WHY! Why would you download something from someone you didn't know?!?

SubjectX: " ... well, it was MySpace, so I thought it would be safe."

Me: <sigh> Go on.

SubjectX: "So now every time we <lengthyeplanationofalltheproblemshebroughtonhimself>."

SubjectX: "<lengthyexplanationofhowNortonprotectedhim>, but I still have <moreexplanationsofproblemshebroughonhimself>."

Me: <HUGE sigh> OK, here's some software you need to get, go to THESE sites to get them, DO NOT use a search engine or any other means to get the software <explanationwhybutI'msureit'soverhishead>.

Me: I gotta go ... good luck. <burnrubbergettingouttathere>


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ha ha ha JD

yes it sounds like me when i first started

if it wasent for pete and chappy

i would have given it up

i can laugh now

but i was a complete novice when posting at techtv

and if it wasent for posters like your selves

i have learned heeps

but now i can laugh at people like that


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  blim said:
And everyone tells me I'm too paraniod online...
Would you have downloaded a program from a stranger? I guess that is just a natural thing for me to avoid so I was genuinely shocked that someone would (not that I've even been in a situation where someone I didn't know tried to get me to download something -- wait ... a long time ago, I barely remember popups, but I knew to deny it even then).

He hasn't said a thing to me about his computer since so he's either fixed it, or I reacted in such a way he isn't going to come to me for help any more. The latter's a bit embarrassing, but I can live with it. :)

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