Have A Problem With Uploading

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Hey, im new here and i hope someone can help me out. :)

Im having trouble uploading music files onto the net. Ive tried on so many forums to upload but when the file is uploaded, a new page comes up with the msg saying something like the fyle type is not valid but it is. I can download anything but i just seem to cant upload on the forums. There is nothing wrong with the forums so its something with my comp. I can upload on msn and sites like yousendit.com. Also i got unlimited upload and download internet too.

I have scanned with so many programs for viruses etc .. but they havent found anything.

If someone can help me out on what is causing this problem or its happened to someone else and they know what the problem is, your help will be appreciated. :)

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If the forum is giving you a message that the file type is not valid, it is possible that the forum admin has restricted that sort of file (mp3, wma, etc) from being uploaded. I am leaning away from the notion that it is a problem with your computer since you can upload to other sites just fine.

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Well im trying to upload music files such as mp3, WMA etc .. up on a music forum website. The website is just a site where people can upload their music on there to share with everyone around the world. I have been made an uploader and i never had this problem until last week (and i have been uploading on there since the start of the year). Ive tried on other sites and i get the same problem " the file type is not valid" Ive talked to the sites owners and everything is ok, its just that there is something wrong on my side, but i got no idea whats going on. But the strange thing is i can upload on msn and sites like yousendit.com.

Its kind of strange because ive tried scanning my comp with different types of programs and no viruses etc.. were found. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem?

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