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Posts posted by hitest

  1. The writer of that article should wipe his own ass with it.

    What? No sense of humor? It's an amusing article. I actually laughed out loud at the headline. Sure, it degenerates into "just amusing" rather than staying uproarously funny, but sheesh, the author should wipe his ass with it? That's ridiculously harsh. :wacko:

    I have a sense of humour and I thought the article *and* TT_75's comments were funny. This is the world and politics forum after all so a little more leeway is fine here. Sense of humour is often influenced by one's political point of view. Things that you find funny, JDoors, may offend a left-leaning person like me. Just my 2 cents worth:)

  2. I think the AP is correct: the Nobel committee does occasionally award the prize to encourage people and organizations who've accomplished little or nothing but whose efforts the committee supports.

    Agreed. I think the Nobel committee awarded the prize to Obama for inspiring hope and for his as yet unrealized potential to effect positive change in the World.

  3. False. Obama campaigned on the idea that we were going to increase troops in Afghanistan:

    Exactly. Now comes the difficult part for Obama as he needs to live up to his campaign promise; his commander on the ground in Afghanistan is asking for more troops. It will be hard for him to send a lot of troops into harm's way, but, I think he needs to stabilize that theater.