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Posts posted by -Spazmatic-

  1. Yeah, I've seen that before, one of my teachers showed us last year, pretty cool if you ask me...although some of those words I did hang on just a little (the smaller ones, to be somewhat specific)..

    But cool find. I like intresting little things like that. (I'm a bathroom reader kind of guy.)

  2. They've been to my house countless times...telling me all the while nothing was wrong. The last time they even BILLED me for tech support! I retorted with "I'm paying for your shit to work, I want it fixed for free!" and they voided the bill, but didn't get my internet working any better.

  3. That's alot of work, does it every day it seems. I've contacted them MULTIPLE times (and by multiple, I mean this: One time I called up there to complain, and I gave them my member number. The guy said "is this Garrett?," I said "yeah" and he said "yeah I recognized your voice"....DOH!) and they won't do a damn thing. They keep telling me it's my router. Bull chit, I direcly connected for 2 weeks (because I RMA'd my router to make them happy) and it was the same crap! Then they told me they could do nothing more because I had the best equipment they had!! But alas...I can't give it up, it's all there is out here. It works great WHEN IT WORKS....but that's a very small time frame. The ISP is called Internet America (Some local piece of chit place), wireless Internet. www.internetamerica.com is the site. They offer DSL, but not in my area. I had dialup before this and I can't go back, I'd go insane.

    On a side note, is it bad when I'm on a top of a hill, and the recieving/sending tower is on the water tower in town, and the guy tells me a reason my internet could be bad is because someone may be PARKING AN SUV IN THE WAY?!

  4. I have a conspiracy theory I would like to discuss.  I have no evidence, but I haven't been able to talk my self out of the possibility.

      I started a thread yesterday, mostly being playful, volunteering to mod just for the purpose of hunting down and banning the trolls.  I know they can do it, they outed WM when he changed his screen name.  The reaction was quite chilly, and the thread got locked.  Now I am not a genius or anything, but it got me thinking.

      Didn't they already get caught on the show for faking callers?  And if they have used this ploy before, isn't there a chance that they don't want anyone knowing who is trolling because it is a Mod or a G4 employee?

      I know I shouldn't care, but I just can't get it out of my mind for some reason.




    Even if you are right.....we'll never know.

  5. :D Now, how can I top Spaz's Birthday Greeting?  :D

    Happy Birthday Led Zelda!!!  Hope you have a wonderful day.





    There is always one who plays the attention getter...LOL...



    *Raises hand in pity*


  6. Mommy??????

    ......Yes Son...

    Can I grow up to be a MOD at BT or another forum???

    .......Well my dear Boy, we will have to wait and see, Won't we??..

    Mom???....  Okay I can wait..



    I don't think I'll EVER get there. I aimed for it at first at G$, but I knew I would NEVER suceed. Oh well, dreams are dreams, I presume.

  7. http://www.fubz.us


    not that original, but it sure was fun making lots of custom modules  :D

    and now i use comedy club section for some extra content  :P  so keep it coming


    Very nice! A fun site.

    A little hard to read though for us geriatrics with less than 20/20.


    is it the white on black, or the small print?


    I think if it were a light light grey it would work better. After a little bit of reading in a dark room, it blurs. I like it though, very very nicely done.

  8. The Dell 4700 with the duct does have heating problems Some owners have tried turning the fans around to fix the problem. Every proprietary PC I've worked on that had these ducts had issues with heat. To me they are a collection chamber for smoke, dust, hair and other other contaminants in the air which reduces the airflow through the duct.


    Ok, thats the kind of stuff that is good to know. So what if they are clean, ever had overheating problems witha clean duct?



    I have an HP and it has one of those retarded ducts. It limits airflow in the case...I took it out to get the dust out, and while I was away my little brother turned on the case. I came back from walmart (about an hour later) and told him to get off. I opened the case and there was a noticable difference in case heat. That PSU fan can move some air, it's a small case anyhow.