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About Hai-Etlik

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    British Columbia

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  • Operating System
    Ubuntu, Debian, Occationaly Win98
  1. You can run some software as daemons but not all software is suited to this. I'm guessing Ktorrent is a KDE BitTorrent client. As such, it probably expects to be run with a UI. What you want is probably something like this http://wiki.theory.org/BASH_script_to_run_...ent_as_a_daemon I found it with a google for "torrent daemon"
  2. The www is not indicating the protocol; that's what the scheme portion of the URL ("http") is doing. "www.sitename9.com" is a DNS name which in the context of the URL is being used as a hostname. The web browser simply doesn't care about the structure of DNS names, and doesn't even really need to know that it IS a DNS name as it just passes the hostname to the resolver in the OS. So as far as your web brower is concerned, the www is no more meaningful than any other part of the hostname. Now DNS names are hierarchical. Once you have a name, you can create as many sub names as you want and d
  3. Setting the left and right margins to 'auto' is the standard way to centre a block and it should work in all remotely CSS compliant browsers. (everything except IE) text-align should ONLY apply to inline text within the applicable element (Check the W3C spec if you want). But IE centres block children as well. This is wrong, simply thinking about it should make it obvious why as combining these two different functions makes the whole mechanism far less flexible. Centring just one block in IE requires that you wrap it in an extra element.
  4. It uses the Quake 3 engine, not Doom 3.
  5. On systems without a root password, you generaly have an account that can get root priveledge as needed using sudo. To do this "sudo command". In your case "sudo dpkg -i ymessenger_1.0.4_1_i386.deb". Then give your accoutn password. Sudo will remember and let you issue more sudo commands for a short time afterwards without needing your password. If you are using Ubuntu 6.06 there is a program called GDebi which is a nice graphical installer for deb packages. You should just need to double click on a deb file and it will display information about it, click the install button and it will us
  6. Well if I click on System > Preferences > Theme I find the theme manager with no problem.. and I chose the theme "Glider" , it says to "Install Theme" , the Theme Installation window pops up and ask me for A Theme Install location or to browse where it is.. Where's the location? and how do I accomplish this? "Install Theme" is for adding themes to that list. So it is asking for a theme package that hasn't been installed yet, for instance one you might download from one of the sites we listed. Simply selecting something on the list should be enough to apply the theme, you don't need
  7. There are several themable components with seperate themes. GTK+ is the toolkit used by GNOME applications. All the widgets that make up those applications will be in whatever you set as the GTK+ theme. Metacity is the window manager (you can use others if you want though) and its themes control the border arround the windows. Icon themes control the icons used to represent files as well as those used in dialog boxes, buttons and tool bars. These three make up the majority of theming on GNOME and are the three components contrlloed by the theme control dialog iccaros mentioned. Your desktop
  8. Most often C, which is then compiled to machine language. Of course the exact boundaries between "Operating System" and everything else are kind of blurry so it's hard to really make any general statements.
  9. There are a LOT of options and variables involved in this sort of thing. You could range from terminals (aka. thin clients), to workstations using something like DHCP, ZeroConf, and maybe a file server to retrieve their configuration information and store data. Depending on your needs you may be best off with a mix of the two. It realy depends on what you plan to do with these machines. Even after all that, there are different protocols and implementations for all this stuff.
  10. The default, that is, whatever the USER has specified as their prefered text size. Non-body text should then be derived from it using the size keywords or less preferably, percentages.
  11. Certainly better, but still not what I would consider good. Small text with poor foreground/background contrast and it doesn't scale to different sized viewports.
  12. HTML and CSS do not count, they are not programming languages. At best they will give you familiartity with formal languages and editing them in gneral but that is a very small part of programming. Languages in general are only a small part and once you know how to program they are fairly easy to pick up. I'd suggest that if you want to learn to program, you should start with Ruby or Python. Java is probably a better first language than C++ but Ruby and Python are far better than it in turn.
  13. The installer for Ubuntu 5.10 uses a configuration system that logs your answers, unfortunately including the plaintext root password (if you set one) and plaintext password for your first user (who has SUDO access and can become root). Run your updates NOW! The affected packages are base-config, login, and passwd.
  14. I don't particularly like either but the second is better.
  15. XML is used for a lot of different things, RSS is just one application of it. And it's realy no different from any other web page, it's just in a far less presentational form that can be more easily manipulated. So some web pages may let you alter that sort of thing but most will not, and any mechanism behind that sort of thing will vary from site to site. Some RSS/Atom applications act as "aggregators", that is they store or combine feeds. Of course the entire point of RSS is to allow for a wide range of different uses for the innformation so many applications do completely different things.