Naming is hard

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Posts posted by Naming is hard

  1. Hey everyone, the 21 will be my b-day and iv already gotten my money.

    So i want a new Hard drive cause the one i have now is only 80GB with about 26GB left.

    The only question i have is, is there anything i need to know befor i go out and shop for a harddrive?

    EDIT: Oyeah and ill be dual booting Windows and Linux(Ubuntu) will that matter on the harddrive? or is that more the processor.

  2. Heh, Simplist pong game you could make.

    I couldn't get the scoring working for 2players or change the balls direction in mid-game so the ball starts off at an angle.

    Still took me about aday though.


    Opps i forgot to say, W and S for player one, and Up and Down arrows for player two.

    #Ryan Luna 7/9/06

    import random
    from livewires import games, color

    SCREEN_WIDTH = 640

    class Player1(games.Sprite):

    image = games.load_image("paddle.bmp")
    sound = games.load_sound("paddle.wav")

    def __init__ (self, screen, x, y):
    self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y, image = Player1.image)

    def moved(self):
    #Moving the paddle for player1
    x, y = self.get_pos()
    if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_w):
    y -= 1
    if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_s):
    y += 1
    self.move_to(x, y)

    def check_for_collide(self):
    """ Check if pan catches a pizza. """
    if self.overlapping_objects():
    ball = self.overlapping_objects()[0]

    class Player2(games.Sprite):

    image = games.load_image("paddle.bmp")

    def __init__ (self, screen, x, y):
    self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y, image = Player2.image)

    def moved(self):
    #Moving the paddle for player2
    x, y = self.get_pos()
    if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_UP):
    y -= 1
    if self.screen.is_pressed(games.K_DOWN):
    y += 1
    self.move_to(x, y)

    def check_for_collide(self):
    """ Check if pan catches a pizza. """
    if self.overlapping_objects():
    ball = self.overlapping_objects()[0]

    class Ball(games.Sprite):

    image = games.load_image("ball.bmp")
    sound = games.load_sound("lose.wav")

    def __init__ (self, screen, x, y, speedy, speedx = 2):
    self.init_sprite(screen = screen, x = x, y = y, dx = speedx,
    dy = speedy, image = Ball.image)
    self.score_value = 0
    self.score_text = games.Text(screen = self.screen, x = 250, y = 20,
    text = " ", size = 25, color = color.white)

    def moved(self):
    if self.get_left() < 0:
    if self.get_right() > SCREEN_WIDTH:
    if self.get_bottom() > SCREEN_HEIGHT:
    if self.get_top() < 0:

    def scoring(self):
    self.score_value += 10
    self.score_text.set_text("Score: " + str(self.score_value))

    def handle_collide(self):

    def ball_destroy(self):

    def reverse(self):
    """ Reverse direction. """
    dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
    self.set_velocity((-dx, dy))

    def bounce(self):
    """ Bounce off wall """
    dx, dy = self.get_velocity()
    self.set_velocity((dx, -dy))

    def create_ball(self):
    y_speed = random.randrange(2) + 1
    Ball(screen = self.screen, x = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, y = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, speedy = y_speed)
    def main():
    my_screen = THE_SCREEN

    bg_image = games.load_image("blackscreen.jpg", transparent = False)
    y_speed = random.randrange(2) + 1
    Player1(screen = my_screen, x = 10, y = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)
    Player2(screen = my_screen, x = 630, y = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)
    Ball(screen = my_screen, x = SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, y = SCREEN_WIDTH/2, speedy = y_speed)



    I'd attach it but it wont upload .py

  3. Hey everyone,

    so i wake up this morning, i turn on the computer and my mouse is stuck in the middle of the screen,

    so i reset, i make sure its pluged in, i plug it into a different USB slot, i keyboard my way to mouse settings and its not even seen by the computer, although the mouse is lite up, after about 20mins i here "beep" (The sound it makes when you plus something into a USB slot) and the mouse works! w00t happy right? 20seconds later its dead again.

    Sooo what could it be?

    the mouse is kinda old but i dont think its dead cause like i said the lasers lite up.

    Windows XP Home, Mouse drivers all there, many different slots, USB slot working with other devises, no other

    mice to try.

  4. There is...sort of a realilty show on the net Here,

    About this guy trying to make an mmorpg...i mean the worlds BIGGEST mmorpg with about 20guys that have

    never met each other befor, i was all with this guy untill i saw that he gave up his wife and kids to try and do this >_>, im all for following your dreams but not at the cost of your family, but its interesting none the less,

    Esp 2 just came uh yeah check it out.

  5. Hey, heres a peice of code that wont compile the error i get is,

    "'minus' was not declared in this scope"

    // pointer to functions
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    int addition (int a, int b)
    { return (a+b); }

    int subtraction (int a, int b)
    { return (a-b); }
    int (*minus)(int,int) = subtraction;

    int operation (int x, int y, int (*functocall)(int,int))
    int g;
    g = (*functocall)(x,y);
    return (g);

    int main ()
    int m,n;
    m = operation (7, 5, addition);
    n = operation (20, m, minus);
    cout <<n;
    return 0;

    Minus should be global...shouldn't it?

    If I change:

    int main ()
    int m,n;
    m = operation (7, 5, addition);
    n = operation (20, m, minus);
    cout <<n;
    return 0;


    int main ()
    int m,n;
    m = operation (7, 5, addition);
    n = operation (20, m, subtraction);
    cout <<n;
    return 0;

    obivouly it works but thats not the point >_< why isn't minus global?

    btw i got the code from a tutorial located at