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Posts posted by wolfman2001

  1. 1.I'm awful at household chores. My wife is constantly frustrated with me over things like laundry or dishes.

    2.I'm one hell of a good cook. I can make almost anything! ( Which works very poorly with #1 )

    3.I'm great with animals. We keep a small Zoo here at home. I'd have more if I could afford it!

  2. Granted, it sounds weird.  But if the Mods really don't want the trolls, it would be very easy to stop them.  Just match the IP's using a script and you are finished.  Even the number of troll posts getting locked seems to be going down. 

      The benefit they get out of letting the trolls roll on is the total volume of the site.  Since sites have to attain a critical mass of posting to make the forums interesting, it is an easy way to prop up the numbers. Maybe they need to prop up the numbers to justify the admins.

      Now if they had any smarts, they would do it by injecting useful content, like they did when they made up the calls for assistance.  That really doesn't hurt anyone, since the lurkers still learn something they didn't know, or they get drawn into the conversation and contribute back to the board.  But I think we all know that the techies left with Chappy.

      But then again I could be wrong, my Wife tells me that is often the case.


    Your's too huh?

    It's an interesting theory. Do advertisers see numbers for the boards? That would be a valid reason to try and drive up numbers.



  3. From what I saw over there before I got smart and moved here,there are a few Mods with real attitude issues. I'm not sure that any of them are crazy enough to troll or spam their own boards but you never know! I just wouldn't be surprised at anything.


    Well I know for a fact one of the OT Mods got one of the younger ones to PM all the tech help and a few Mods and others that are popular people with Cartoon Porn.


    Keith my friend,I hope you're kidding but I know you're not. A sad state of affairs!

  4. Years ago I lived in South Fla. and went through some big storms. This one looks like alot of rain and a good reason for a hurricane party. Be safe and have fun if you can!


    A what? :blink:


    A what what? I don't understand.