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Posts posted by shanenin

  1. 1. I have been a chronic drug addict since about age 14(daily pot smoker), I spent the years of age 21 - 27 shooting meth daily. My drug addiction is not really a secret, It is just part of me. I have never hid it, infact I enjoy shocking people with it :P I have been sober with the help of AA and God for over 5 years.

    2. I depend on God for everything. With out my daily prayers and time spent with god, I would still be sticking a needle in my arm. I need God in my life. I used to be a hardened atheist(scientific type). Faced with the fact of dying by my own hands(slowly with meth, could not stop) or depending on a higher power(thats what AA is all about), I chose faith :)

    3. I Talk to my self alot I sometimes wonder what my wife thinks of me. I am scared my kids are going to start talking to them selfs. My grandapa, who was a very inteligent, well spoken man, always was mumbling under his breath. It must be geneitc.

  2. Among other things.

    I found one of those other things.

    while [ -z "$RESPONSE" ];
      echo "Enter the name of the directory where your files are located:\c "
      read RESPONSE
      if [ ! -d "$RESPONSE" ]; then
         echo "ERROR: please enter a directory pathname."

    according to the book, my output should be

    Enter the name of the directory where your files are located:

    but I am getting

    Enter the name of the directory where your files are located:\c

    I thought that the "\" worked as quoting. So that would disable a special character? the letter "c" does not seem to be a special character

  3. I think i have copied this script exactly as printed in my book, but it keeps failing

    shane@mainbox shane $ cat scripts/loop
    while [ $x -lt 10 ]
      echo $x
      x=`echo "$X + 1" | bc`
    shane@mainbox shane $ ./scripts/loop
    (standard_in) 1: parse error
    ./scripts/loop: line 3: [: -lt: unary operator expected

  4. is that meant to check if that is a set variable?

    In my mind these should be outputting 0 for the first one but 1 for the second one.

    shane@mainbox shane $ gg=""; [ -z $gg ]; echo $?
    shane@mainbox shane $ gg=""; [ -n $gg ]; echo $?

  5. wow that set command is handy. Now I am able to kind of see what is happening.

    I thought that $DATE would change depnding on what 'one' was set to. It does but 'one' has to be set before doing


    I was setting 'one' after using the above command. Then It has no effect one the variable DATE.

    So long as 'one' is not set before using DATE=${one:-three} three is substituted.

  6. Is ther a way to show(list) all set and/or exported varibles in a bash shell?

    edit added later//

    I have a substitution question. Lets say I do this

    shane@mainbox shane $ DATE=${one:-two}
    shane@mainbox shane $ echo $DATE

    How would I get it to echo the value one?

  7. I am happy to have reinstalled linux. I started installing gentoo yesterday, and have a working system, with gnome, this morning. I guess I feel more at home with linux.

    I enjoyed my BSD experience, but really missed linux(on my main workstation). BSD is a great system, but it seems to be just a little less polished(for the desktop) then linux. In all honesty if I took the time, I could probably have worked all of the kinks out of my bsd system. Somethings were surprisingly easy on BSD: If I remember correctly installing the nvidia 3d drivers were just one simple command. Sound was also as easy as loading one module, I had a common via chipset, so that helped. Ports was great, every package I wanted, installed with one simple command. The ports tree is very updated, I got the newest of everything, including gnome-2.8.

    If I ever plan on building a web server, I will probably go the bsd route.

    BSD is refering to FreeBSD-5.2 (I think that is the version I had)

  8. for portability, I used #!/bin/sh instead of #!/bin/bash . This way the script shuld run on a bsd box that does not have bash installed. Linux just makes a link form /bin/sh to /bin/bash, but......

    I got my script to work on my linux box by changeing #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash , how could that be? Why should that make any difference?

  9. I wrote this revised script on my bsd workstation. It seems to run well


    check-nfs ()
    echo "checking"
    mount | grep 192.168.1 > /dev/null
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
      echo "NFS is mounted"
      return 0
      echo "NFS is not mounted"
      return 1

    mount-nfs ()
    echo "mounting NFS"
    mount -t nfs /home/shane/freevo

    run-unison ()
    echo "preparing to run unison"
    /usr/local/bin/unison -version
    exit 0

    echo "NFS needs to be mounted before sycing can begin"
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]

    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
      echo "NFS failed to mount. exiting"

    the problem comes when I port it over to my linux freevo box. I am getting this error

    freevo2 root # freevosync
    /usr/local/bin/freevosync: line 15: `check-nfs': not a valid identifier

  10. return was what I was looking for, Thanks :-) I originally tried to use some other ways that did not work. I will give you guys something to chuckle at

    here are some failed attemps:

    check-nfs ()
    echo "checking"
    mount | grep 192.168.1 > /dev/null
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
      echo "NFS is mounted"
      exit 0 #this gave me the correct return, but had the negative effect of stoping my script
      echo "NFS is not mounted"
      exit 1

    I also tried this, I was just reaching for anything that might work ;-)

    check-nfs ()
    echo "checking"
    mount | grep 192.168.1 > /dev/null
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
      echo "NFS is mounted"
      echo "NFS is not mounted"

  11. I want to use this function in my bash script

    check-nfs ()
    echo "checking"
    mount | grep 192.168.1 > /dev/null
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
      echo "NFS is mounted"
      echo "NFS is not mounted"

    depending on the output either "NFS is mounted" or "NFS is not mounted" how could i use that output as a condition in an other if else statement? Sorry if this is not clear.

  12. you should check to see if nfs mouted again after mounting .. that way no need to do it before runnnig the command..

    that is what I originally was trying to do(originally I was using a function), but things were not flowing correctly. The more I tried to fix it, the more ugly it got. So I scrapped everything and started fresh, and came out with the code listed above.

  13. this line produces output to my shell, which I do not want. Is there a way to keep this line from making output

    mount | grep 192.168.1

    edit added later/

    I just piped it like this, this seems like an ok solution

    mount | grep 192.168.1 | if [ "$?" != 0 ];

  14. I decided to make a script that would mount my nfs share before running unison. This way I wont ever forget to mount it. I think that would screw up my syncing. Thanks for the help(iccaros and jcl), this is my first attempt at programming(term used very loosely)


    mount | grep 192.168.1
    if [ "$?" != 0 ];
     echo "mounting nfs share"
     mount_nfs /home/shane/freevo
     echo "nfs already mounted, proceeding to sync your servers"

    mount | grep 192.168.1
    if [ "$?" = 0 ]
     echo "preparing to run unison"
     # the following line gives the command to sync my two servers
     /usr/bin/unison /home/shane/freevo /mnt/media
     echo "nfs failed to mount. exiting"

  15. this program, unison, is really cool. It can sync servers on you local system using NFS. It can also sync servers remotely by tunneling using ssh. It also works across platforms window to linux. Another neat feature unlike rysync, you can make changes to either server(not the master server only) then the changes will get updated to the other server.

    I am still working out some bugs, but I am pretty sure it will work like it is supposed to.