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Posts posted by martymas

  1. hi team i need your help i want to try and create html links

    i started at techtv

    and some one sent me some tutors guides [pete i think]

    and i was going fine until techtv closeded down

    and i for got about it until now

    any one know any tutors links

    ime not sure if ive explained this properly



  2. yes i agree

    it has decome to big for ordinary


    each time a new version comes something te has to be increased

    like hdd space

    it has become a notorious ram hog

    as each version comes out

    ive had to increase my ram three times now

    god knows what it will need next time

    several times i havent bin able to install

    some versions of ubuntu

    and i have found it is because i needed more ram

    so the next version

    ime reluctant to install

    because of this ram thing


  3. hi every one thanks for your concerns

    ime on a heart recovery program

    not serious

    but nessecerry

    and i havent been emailing as much as i normally do

    in regards to the rejected emails

    i have lots of troubles with this vista

    you may recall i posted to see if outlook express was available for vista

    the tick in the

    box leave it on the server

    must be the default

    settings for vista

    as i didnt set it

    the help desk from my server walked me through the fix

    how ever it is good to post to the board

    these days i dont get here as much

    as i regard you as part of my family

    again thanks every one

    esspecialy bill


  4. thanks team i appreciate your in put

    like TT

    ime anti mozzila

    but i have my reasons

    and weve argued who what why and when it was the best

    or worst

    OE is a better program than windows mail

    as for mozilla well many of you know my opinions on

    this browser

    ive grizzled about it for years

    so ive stuck to what suits me best

    thanks again


  5. is it possable to use outlook express in vista

    if so can it be downloaded and installed

    this bloody windows mail should be shoved up bill gates =======+++++

    ive tried to find it in the search option

    ive been into the site

    but the options are for winxp

    any ideas thanks


  6. hi team i need advice

    a friends grandson

    has adapted to compts

    and he is very good for his age

    5 year old

    i need to know what sort of programs

    for children

    he is way ahead of a five year old

    ive seen him with transformers

    and paint programs

    and he draws pic and images

    like a ten yer old

    so is there an option i can steer him to

    ime in the dark here so i need your advice



  7. these people dont pay tax with this money

    they hide it in swiss banks

    and now they have agreeed with the white house

    to disclose the all those banks accounts

    i feel if those bail outs

    hadent bin given to those recipients

    there would have bin a world wide depression

    my opinion it saved the world from global war which us the way to combat


    didnt bush and cheney

    do this in iraq

    to prop up the failing american

    economy at that time

    i know that is why tony blare did for the uk

    and werent they on the same side

    but like it or not

    wars are the fixit upper of depressions

    americans should know that


  8. welcome back beluga

    you are lucky to be able to meet people who were my idols

    when i was a member of ttv

    many of those names bring back memorys

    including the user name beluga

    i was in love with all at techtv

    those days i thought compts

    were what you flew to the moon

    so hope you had a good time

    was becky worley there

    i still keep in touch with her

    good one jeff


  9. my condolences to his family

    i was a fan of his

    what ever

    waves he created as a citizen

    he was a

    humantirian politician

    and didnt get credit for it

    it was news worthy to bring up his past

    but he isnt the only politician

    to become newsworthy

    i can name two who sit on the other side of the fence

    god be with him


  10. if your

    politics is right wing

    then naturally

    your against kenedy

    if it is best for your county

    then it should go ahead not so long ago a vice president

    and president

    made there own rules

    and look how many people died and are still dying

    for 9 years the american public put up with it

    then they changed there minds

    and they are getting hell for trying to change the rules

    so no more people need to die

    americans moan and groan about nine eleven

    bit look how many were killed in vietnam-.cambodia



    and many parts of the world

    i happen to be a fan of this ted kennedy

    the others were war mongers

    ted kennedy is popular outside of the usa

    and right now that is some thing americans could do with


  11. i started with dish

    from a company called sky

    but changed to cable from a package deal

    which included tv- cable- internet

    and- phone line

    dish was ok

    but sometimes

    the weather conditions

    distorted the pic
