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Posts posted by martymas

  1. hi all i dont come here as often as ide liked

    today i came to greet every one a merry xmas

    but now i have an added bonus


    and i class TK as i distant brother

    ok to you all and they are to numerous to mention by name

    a merry xmas and a bright new year

    and i will be posti9ng here as long as ime breathing

    ide like to sort out beluga [jeff]

    and say this is my home

    thank you

    your friend marty

  2. sorry for being late to reply

    thank you all who posted in on my b-day

    i had a good day with my friends and family

    especilly my grand children

    who i dont get to see often

    ive just read the names of the posters

    wonderfull people

    i hope i can reply to this greeting every year for the next

    you know how many

    again thank you


  3. as i havent bin in for some time

    i miss some of the postings

    in regards to members health

    take care TT

    and i hope you recover quickly

    it dosent ring a bell when it is some one anon but

    when its some one you know

    makes a difference

    get well TT

    we are here for you


  4. I was watching television and one of those Bing! ads came on, you know the ones, where someone says something benign, and other people take that word or phrase and start going off on completely irrelevant tangent; Son, "Dad, can I borrow the car? Dad, "Father's day gifts and a reasonable price!" Mom, "Stockmarket prices have been ... " Sister, "Learn marketable skills at ..." Son, thinking, "What does all this have to do with my question?"

    Got me to thinkin', what HAS my experience with Bing! been? I switched over to it completely when it went live as a kinda-sorta experiment, just to try something new. You know what came to my mind? That I never, since the day it came out, have had to go to "Page 2." Try as I might at that time, I couldn't even think of what the page turning tool looks like. "Where is it? What's it look like?" I do not at this minute know how to go to page two, I've never HAD to.

    I must ALWAYS get the results I'm looking for on the first page, and now that I think of it, in the first few results. I barely remember looking further down the page. I do remember looking at all the results on page one, but it's so rare I actually remember the times it's happened.

    With Google I remember going, sometimes, up to page ten (a number I chose at random to indicate a completely failed search), before I gave up and tried another search. I've reset the search parameters with Bing!, but it's when I don't get the results in the first few returns, and the second search almost always gives me what I needed.

    I don't recall how long it's been around, but ... I'm satisfied.

    That's WEB search, image search is similar to Google, pages and pages, but I'm probably looking for something other than "one" definitive result for images.

    hi jd

    i havent got bling on my sys

    do you feel it is a better option than google

    google has treated me great in the past

    but if you think bling is better ide like to try it

    were do i get it


  5. for me to use mse

    i would have to uninstall avast and mwb

    and ime not compt literate enough to get rid of something ive used for years

    with out geting virus or malware

    so i need to come to the board and watch the posts

    to see if how i can safe guard my compt from this stuff

    and until i got those trojons

    i have bin successfull

    so i hope the experience experts

    can help from time to time



  6. hi team look what i found from the bbc

    i dare say we have them here


    you've ever had to spend a lot of money on antivirus software, you'd be forgiven for wanting to take Fred Cohen aside for, to put it politely, a few choice words.

    But although Mr Cohen is responsible for creating the first ever computer virus some 26 years ago, his pioneering research has in fact led the way in protecting computers from the threats that surfaced in the years to come.

    He told BBC World Service's Witness programme about the day he made the discovery while studying at the University of Southern California.

    After a neighbouring university created a Trojan horse - which allowed hackers to gain access to a machine - Mr Cohen realised that the Trojan could be programmed to duplicate itself.

    This is the proverbial lightbulb going off.

    "I was sitting there in the class and all of a sudden it dawned on me that if that Trojan horse copied itself into other programs, then all those programs would be infected, and then everybody that ran any of those programs would get infected and so forth.

    "It was at that point immediately obvious that it was game over."

    He discussed the idea with Len Adleman, another computer security expert at the university.

    "Fred approached me and said he had this new type of computer security threat, and he began to describe what we now call viruses," recalled Mr Adleman.

    "He wanted to run some actual experiments, in particular on the computer that I used.

    "There was no point in running an experiment, since it was so obvious that it was going to work."

    However, Mr Cohen insisted they make sure - and the first computer virus was born.

    "In that moment, I pretty much understood the bad news.

    "I spent the next five or six years of my life trying to find ways to protect against it and understanding the limits of what could ever be done."

    Ethical dilemma

    Armed with their new discovery, the pair faced a problem.

    It had the potential to have a massive negative impact on the computing world. As academics, did they have an obligation to share their findings or should the vulnerability be kept secret?

    They decided to publish the paper.

    "If we told people about computer viruses, they could potentially protect themselves," said Mr Adleman.

    "It was also at least my impression that computer viruses were inevitable, and were going to arrive whether Fred published or not.


    Witness is a new daily programme from the BBC World Service bringing you back to the events that changed our world, told by the people who were there

    It is broadcast every day at 0050GMT and 0850GMT

    It is also available as a podcast

    "In the end we decided to publish, but to not make the code that Fred put in his paper so explicit that an amateur could take it and produce computer viruses."

    Mr Cohen agreed.

    "This was going to happen one way or another. The real question was is it going to happen after somebody's done the research, and figured out what to do about it, or is it going to happen before the research is done - and then we're really in trouble."

    Mr Cohen no longer researches viruses. Indeed, he believes that genuine research into possible threats has not happened for quite some time.

    "As far as I can tell, somewhere around the late eighties or early nineties was the end of the real research related to computer viruses.

    "There are businesses that want to make sure they keep making money by having cures that fix the last one, but not the next one."

  7. hi joe here we found the problem of carbon


    if you produce a certain amount of carbon

    you have to pay for that extra

    ime not sure how this equates to developing countrys

    they dont have the money so they keep on poluting

    many big countrys

    are the biggest poluters

    china - usa- some parts of europe

    can pay and still polute

    so i feel that isnt the answer

    here bizness round table is bitterly opposed to

    to the notion of global warming

    i was at a meeting several weeks ago

    and the biz section was lambasting all those who believe in global warming

    when it was ,my turn to speak

    i made it short and quick

    if i die of polution so will those who oppose it

    there wont be any distincion

    between the you who have it all

    and us who have none

    we will all be in that boat you want to build

    i must mention the miagrents

    from those islands under water

    they hate the western powers

    but what can they do


    they have become skeptics from the other side of the fence

    what to do

    some one drop the bomb

    and start again

    at least that will be quick


  8. hi team

    take a read of this article

    when videos are available ile post them


    I wish one would wash up around here. It might cool things off for awhile. laugh.gif

    All kidding aside, that sounds pretty serious!

    hi joe

    inside of ten years these things are becomming more frequent

    we here in nz

    attribute it to global warming

    in the pacific

    you cant talk people out of this conception

    onces it was fifty fifty for and against

    now you cant convince a kiwi

    other wise

    one other year one of these bergs

    floated past the south island

    visable to any one near the coast

    at the time the super bowl was on in the usa

    and some wit

    asked if we could sell the berg to the americans

    so they could build a super drome

    and get the rewards from tourism

    i know many americans do not believe in global warming

    my answer is come live in one of the south pacific islands

    some alread under water

    and many doomed the ones at sea level

    viti laevu has gone under

    and the population has bin repatriated to australia and nz

    i believe the natives have bin there for thousands of years

    tho skeptics

    have a right ot there opinions

    like we all have

    the only non believers in nz are big off shore biz

    but ile have a chance to see this monster

    later in 2-3 weeks

    once videos are available ile post them in

    this is twice as big as the last one


  9. Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 review

    Bottom Line

    Installing the free Microsoft Security Essentials will protect your system from malwareto a degree. But you'll get better protection from one of the other well-known free anti-malware products.


    Free. Small download. Clean, simple user interface. Starts working immediately.


    Poor protection against keyloggers, rootkits, and scareware. Just average protection against general malware. In testing, sometimes erroneously reported successful malware removal or blocking.

    hi all who posted

    thanks for your input

    many people in my catergory will get caught

    with this compatable thing

    on scanners

    until i installed mse

    i had no problems with the other scanners

    in this case it was turning the scanners off that

    caused the trouble

    as as proof

    once i uninstalled mse

    ive had no problems

    i dare say many of you with more know how

    than me will be abl;e to get round it

    but there are millions of us in the same boat

    how ever your posts have

    made me more aware

    i paniced because i have never exoerienced this problem before

    so again thanks


  10. i had a feeling some thing was wrong

    as when i tried to open IE

    it hung several times

    for about a minute

    and that is unusal for my compt

    after several trys

    i scanned with all my scanners

    that was operating

    the microsoft scanners found nothing


    nor mrt

    once i scanned with malwarebytes

    it found these 4 trojons

    i have to say i paniced as i

    havent had a trojon before

    but the malwarebytes instructions helped

    as i quarentined them then

    deleted later

    no other scanner found these trojons

    ime only a new user of malwarebytes

    but after this it will be a regular

    in the past defender

    and mrt

    havent been a problem until i installed this


    even avast was compatable with defender and mrt

    had it not been for malwarebytes

    i would have bin in the pooh

    i feel it is the third party contract companys

    were the trouble is

    is it a rule in the usa

    were companys like microsoft have to include

    third party contract

    when they bring out a new product

    hey a friend just rang me he has had the same trouble

    i feel better now as i though i was just whinging

    it is ok for all the experts

    but what about us mugs


  11. A woman is standing nude looking in the bedroom mirror.

    She is not happy with what she sees and says to her husband,

    'I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly.

    I really need you to pay me a compliment.'

    The husband replies,

    'Your eyesight's damn near perfect!'

    He never knew what HIT him !

  12. Are you sure MSE turned off the scanning and not the 4 trojans.

    no ime sure it wasent the trojons

    when i booted my compt all the scanner were red

    this has happened throug out several weeks

    and i had to go and active vate them

    i guarentee it was that up date

    ive since uninstalled it and my scanners are back to normal

    in particular the automatic updating

    which wasent happening before

    as i used to have to up date manually

    when i installed the program it

    found malwarebytes and avast

    as not essential programs and remimded me to

    take them off my sys

    but ive used these programs for a long time

    and ive never ever had to worry bout malware

    for me they can jam it right up there


    i thought microsoft

    would have learned by now people are becoming compt aware

    and they can keep sending shit to us


  13. hi team has any one installed microsofy security essentials

    from windows updates

    well i did and it turned off all other scanners

    and as a result i got a trojon

    accessing a science program

    when i started my compt

    all scanners had to be turned on

    i turned on malwarebytes and scanned with it

    it found 4 trojans

    the mse

    even turned of avast

    jeez what the hells wrong with microsoft

    that b--- dosent make them any friends

    if it had of bin xp instead of vista this would not have happened

    geez ime bloody angry

    ive alwayes bin security aware

    but this is the last straw


  14. yo hitest

    sorry to hear bout your daughter

    ive only just read the thread

    here in nz the swine flue is off the serious list

    and i didnt realise it was still around the usa

    until i saw on tv the medical usa

    has warned about taking precaution

    gee i hope your daughter is ok ime sure she will be

    funny thing about the flue

    there were only 89 deaths here

    but they were all under

    25yrs through other complications

    which indicates they hadent built up anti bodies like the elderly

    if i remember only three elderly died or got it bad

    the medical association nz

    said young people have attendency to resist it bad

    if they dont have other health problems

    so your daughter will be ok

    i will be praying for her

    tell her good luck from down under

    and hurry and get better


  15. hi team

    the site has certainly changed since i was here last

    ime just trying to get used to the new format

    and look for areas

    i was used to

    ime sure it is for the better

    but change is hard for us old fellas

    when you get used to things

    prior to the change i could go round the site with my eyes closed

    so jeff is keeping us on our toes

    and tho some of us grizzle and groan

    ime sure the change was for a good purpose

    so good luck jeff

    ile always come here for help

    spot ya
