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Posts posted by LiXindi

  1. The United States loves their guns...

    I live in Japan. Yesterday we went to my friend's house and he had left his door open for four hours while we were gone. Wide open! You could see from the street that the door was open.

    Everything was inside - laptop, tv, dvd, sound system, keyboard, guitar, money on the table - EVERYTHING.

    Who wants to make a bet on what would happen if he had done that in the States?

    We do not really need to lock our doors, and I feel safer here than I ever felt in the States.

    Please be careful, Honda Boy, there is too much rage in the world and I do not want you to get hurt.


  2. Eeep. That does not sound like a good situation.

    We were always told not to drive home if that happens, but to go to the police station or somewhere there is a large population present. I always thought my parents were just paranoid, but apparently...

    I think they were just trying to be tough, just trying to feel big by messing with you. Hopefuly nothing happens to you, or any of your stuff. Most people try to put on a big face and then avoid confrontation.

    It sounded like you were ready for them. :)

    Please take care.

  3. Georgia Tech is a good school, also. They had a partnership with my college called the 3/2, where you completed three years at the college, then the next two years at Georgia Tech, and received a Masters. I do not know if that program was is around, but a friend benefited from that.

    Have you thought about Carnegie Mellon? They have an intergrated program where you can earn a BS and MS for only 8 courses more than a BS.

    Are you being inundated with advice about everything from everyone?

    Best of luck.