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Posts posted by X-Cannon

  1. Hi,

    Sounds like a codec issue. I think the problem is that you don't the have proper codec for an avi file. Make sure you get the proper codec and then you will be able to play avi files on your PC.


    what do you mean? doesn't WMP automatically download a codec. If it doesn't can you tell me where I can download a proper codec. THX

  2. I have a CD player but I like to use head phones while playing though. So I can't over lap headphones on top of one-another

    " The cd player in windows uses very little memory



    " you could play the CD in a CD player, just a thought."

    Are really good ones! I would sugest to use windows cd player.....



    there is no CD player in entertainment :P well not for me

  3. Um, I have some music on cd and I want to play it while playing Doom3 and I need all the memory I can get even though I have 2GB of RAM. I dont want to use windows media player because it take up to much. Do you guys know of any good players that take up very little memory?

  4. Linux looks cool but where can I buy it or do you just download it? and is there a lot of code to write because I've seen people do normal things like install something and had to write up code for some unknown reason. Also is it difficult to understand I mean is it like Windows or totally different and does it crash a lot like windows or is it crash free like the Mac's?

    THX for your help

    P.S. I posted it here because a lot of people read windows support (wonder why) :P:D

  5. Hey guys how can you back up your computer so that if something really bad happens you can go back to that Image of you computer and make the computer run like that again? because I messed up my PC and finally got it fixed so I want to know how I would just save it and go back to it later opposed to installing and uninstalling everything :P THX for you time.

    P.S. I gotta stop asking stupid questions, I can find the answer on google but I'm so LAZY (Damn you T.V damn you) B):D