Store Strings In An Array C#

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is there a way to store strings in an array in c# (so I would have an array of strings)

this way I can take a line of text and store it in a position of an array and then push that line in order to an xmlfile.

if this is not clear then please let me know.

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got it, I tried with no success arrayList but I just needed

static string[] stringarray = new string[200];

I wanted a dynamic array size so if anyone knows that one.. please let me know

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so, this is what I think I have learned..

I need to create an object with my strings for each part.

then store these sets of strings as a string object in the ArrayList

is this correct

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What are you trying to do? If you just want a collection of strings, you can dump the strings in a list and be done with it. [Edit: That sounded impolite. What I meant was that if you need a collection of strings there's no need to complexify the program by introducing extra objects.]

$ cat s.cs
using System;
using System.Collections;

public class Foo {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
IList l = new ArrayList();
Console.WriteLine("{0}{1}", l[0], l[1]);
$ mcs s.cs
$ ./s.exe

If you're using .NET 2.0 you can save yourself a lot of needless casts by using the aforementioned generic List.

using System.Collections.Generic;
List<string> l = new List<string>();
string s = l[0];

Edited by jcl
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What are you trying to do?
hehe, I ask my self the same thing all the time..

but in this case I am tring to learn, its my last semester of collage and work is starting to let me work on code (so I can learn because collage has tought me almost nothing real world.)

so as a proof of concept I am build a program that creates a xml framework for a old type adventure game (the only thing I could think of)

This creates a xml file based on input (early stages).

here is what I have so far, I am tring to make it better, and test out new things. I am reading in a book abought about ArrayList, But I don't really understand what they wrote.

here is the code

* Created by SharpDevelop.
* User: huskeyw
* Date: 7/19/2006
* Time: 10:05 AM
* To change this template use Tools | Options | Coding | Edit Standard Headers.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml;
//using System.Xml.XPath;

namespace AdventureBuild
class adventureBuild

static string[] roomDesc = new string[200];// = new ArrayList();//holds descriptions of rooms in logical order
ArrayList roomData = new ArrayList();

//method to build xml file from questions asked user
public static void buildFile(int room, string filename)
System.Console.WriteLine("start loop");
XmlTextWriter gameFile = new XmlTextWriter(filename,null);
gameFile.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
gameFile.Indentation = 3;
gameFile.WriteComment("Test XML write");

System.Console.WriteLine("start loop1");
for (int x = 1; x <= room;x++)

System.Console.WriteLine("start loop2");
string decription = "";
System.Console.WriteLine("enter Description of room");
decription = System.Console.ReadLine();
roomDesc[x] = decription;
System.Console.WriteLine("start loop"+2+x);

}//end forloop1

for (int x =1; x <= room;x++)
System.Console.WriteLine("start loop4");
gameFile.WriteElementString("Description", Convert.ToString(roomDesc[x]));
gameFile.WriteElementString("hiding", "Gold Key");
gameFile.WriteElementString("direction", "N S");
}//end forloop2

}//end build fild method

public static int Main(string[] args)

//create list to store information

//store name of game file
string filename = "";

//store number of rooms to be built
int rooms = 0;

//example is for output to user
string example = "\"c:\\myfile.xml\"";

if ((args.Length == 0) || (args.Length > 2))
System.Console.WriteLine("adventureBuild must be ran with the following arguments.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: adventureBuilder.exe <filename> <number of rooms> ");
System.Console.WriteLine("NOTE: file name needs to be in quotes if it \nincludes the path and end file with .xml");
System.Console.WriteLine("Example: adventureBuild.exe " + example + " 3");

return 1;
}//end if on args length check

filename = args[0];
rooms = Convert.ToInt16(args[1]);
}//end try

catch (System.FormatException)
System.Console.WriteLine("the argument format is incorrect.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Command adventureBuild must be ran with the following arguments.");
System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: adventureBuilder.exe <filename> <number of rooms> ");
System.Console.WriteLine("NOTE: file name needs to be in quotes if it includes the path and end file with .xml");

return 1;
}//end catch

catch (System.InvalidOperationException)
System.Console.WriteLine("error at method");

System.Console.WriteLine("name of file to be written = " + filename);
System.Console.WriteLine("number of rooms = " + rooms);

return 0;
}//end main

}//end class
}//end Namespace

its a mess, but the list stuff is cool, I did not know about that..

I also have a class I am creating to hold the Room infromation, so I can put them in the ArrayList (just to learn), but the

List<string> l = new List<string>();

looks better


there are some writelines I added just to trouble shoot problems I was having, I don't know how to use a debuger so I have the program send me messages.


Edited by iccaros
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