Lightning Wetaskiwin, Canada

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I found this on weather page that people upload photos that they have take. It is a sequence of frames from a video that was shot by someone in Wetaskiwin, Canada tonight.


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hi bar5

that pic is awesome

in the area i live in

we dont get weather like that

tho other parts of NZ

gets that sort of weather

especially the warmer areas

where i lve

this time of the year

snow i9s predominate

yes it is an awesome pic


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Forget the dogs crawling up in someone's lap, that is what I would be doing with a severe storm like that one, or under the bed like I did as a kid!!! Yowie that looks so scary!!! I sure hope we don't ever have lightening that bad here!!! If we did, I'd be :wacko:


God bless everyone

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With all the rain you get out there, you don't get vicious lightening like that, Pat? Wow, I just figured you did! I loved to go out on the porch or drive out to Lake Michigan and watch it....before we got Sandydog, that is :D Even though she wants Hubby's or Son's lap (she wants the biggest human in the house, smart dog), she won't let me go out to the porch! She'll jump off the lap just long enough to find me and whine till I go back inside.

Marty, it's beautiful, you don't know what you're missing!


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we had one blow through here several days ago. It was awesome, one strike sounded like it hit next door but it hit a water tower 200 yards away. We seem to get between 7 and 10 vicious storms like that every year. It was on us so suddenly I didn't even have time to turn the computer off, the lights flickered brighter but my surge protection strip held up. Got to pay for a good one, I had used a cheap one two years ago and lost my modem, network and sound cards.

Great picture

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Nope! We seldom get such violent lightening storms as those depicted in Barb's pictures on the Western side of the Cascade mountains of Washington and Oregon, but the Eastern side regularly does. Though the last couple of years we have had more than the usual number of electrical storms around here, and they can be as deadly as anywhere else. No matter how intense they are I still hate them!!!


God bless everyone

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Ya'll be careful "watching" that stuff, I'm reminded of this article: Lightning Strikes Castle Rock Boy.

Jason Bunch was listening to Metallica on his iPod while mowing the lawn outside his Castle Rock home Sunday afternoon when lightning hit him.

The last thing the 17-year-old remembers was that a storm was coming from the north and he had only about 15 minutes before he should go inside.

Next thing he knew, he was in his bed, bleeding from his ears and vomiting. He was barefoot and had taken off his burned T-shirt and gym shorts. He doesn't know how he got back in the house.

Edited by JDoors
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Oh, boy did I think of those photos Monday night! Son and I were on our back porch watching a "Michigan Hurricane" and lightning hit in our back yard! I think the bolt was about 8 feet wide. My feet tingled and I heard the loudest noise I've ever heard--my ears HURT BAD for about 6 hours afterwards (didn't bother Son a bit!). Luckily, the power was already out or we'd be replacing a bunch of electronics, I'm sure. The only casualty was the telephone.

I decided lightning is beautiful, far, far away....


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I told you that that stuff was deadly dangerous!!! :rolleyes:

Sure glad you both are ok!!! That was sure close!!! You just have to watch those storms up close and personal....right? :wacko::rolleyes:

Also remember that wet ground can carry the current to you if you are standing on the ground even at a distance away from where the lightening strike hit...tree, building, or ground, whatever. So be careful during a storm.

We may get a chance at thunderstorms too by tomorrow.

Suffering through another spell of 100 degree plus days today and over the both weekend days according to some forecasts, cooling down to high 90's on Monday. 102 here so far today at 3 oclock. Some areas above that even. I guess we had to take our turn with awful heat....ugh!!!

Here is a link to the Portland metro area wunderground webpage. Scroll way way down for the various metro reporting spots and their wide range of high temps. Not all of them are reporting in yet either.

Wunderground Portland Oregon weather page


God bless everyone

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  blim said:
Oh, boy did I think of those photos Monday night! Son and I were on our back porch watching a "Michigan Hurricane" and lightning hit in our back yard! I think the bolt was about 8 feet wide. My feet tingled and I heard the loudest noise I've ever heard--my ears HURT BAD for about 6 hours afterwards (didn't bother Son a bit!). Luckily, the power was already out or we'd be replacing a bunch of electronics, I'm sure. The only casualty was the telephone.

I decided lightning is beautiful, far, far away....


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Yes if it hits a line direclty or indirectly (by that I mean if it hits your roof, especially a metal one, travels on inside to lines or outside to metal gutters/windows/vents and down any touching wiring or arcing to it then on to inside wiring and whatever is connected to them, or hits some appliance that is connected and backtracks on wiring. Also consider it could strike a pole and fell it into house with live wires torching house.

I have a house on a corner (also it's a wierd corner weather microsystem where it can be raining on one street and sunshine on the other one with rain line usually near intersection of streets all perfect for rainbows) that is a 'magnet' for lightening. Lots of metal framed windows, attic vents, metal security doors, metal appliances, and a metal wood stove, and of course plumbing etc. So no real safe spot to go 'hide out' here in an electrical storm. Same thing most everywhere I have lived, including for a time in a metal mobile home with tires off.

I read this summer that when you unplug your computer phone modem/router etc to keep everything, including cord/plugs, at least a foot away from the outlets. Due to chance of electric flaming out the plug in case of a strike? Don't know how true it is, but just in case it is I now keep my unplugged cords and stuff farther back from plug than I used to.

Be careful and stay safe folks.


God bless everyone

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  thesidekickcat said:
... I read this summer that when you unplug your computer phone modem/router etc to keep everything, including cord/plugs, at least a foot away from the outlets. Due to chance of electric flaming out the plug in case of a strike? ...

Makes sense, but if the energy is that high I suspect the house burning down would be a larger concern than whether or not your computer survives the strike.

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