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SP4 includes previous SPs.

Thanks Got it done. I pulled it out of moth balls to install on a used PC I did not want to go through installing all the patches that occured since I stopped using it.

again Thanks


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There are lots of patches/updates, critical and otherwise, since SP4 came out...was it last summer?

So do head on over to Microsoft updates to see what the scan comes up with.

I just got my Win2000 SP4 cd from them. $9.98 I think it was. Considered it a bargain compared to trying to do it online on dialup, if and when I ever get brave enough to do a clean install.


God bless everyone.

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You can DO it, Pat! I (OK, Son and I) reformatted the Possessed Gateway! Ok, it was terribly scary but I had lots of handholding from the folks here (and I betcha Robroy is STILL laughing about my stupid questions about the floppy start up disk :D ). One thing I learned is that if you enter a wrong command, it tells you and it won't go any farther!


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Thanks for the encouragement Liz!!!

It does seem pretty scary to me, even though we did one once before but had HP tech support walking us through it step by step (though he had one thing wrong...had hubby set it to Fat32 instead of NTFS which I argued against but lost). Hubby says he will help me this time??? But oh my he knows way less than I do about computers and you all know how little I know! :rolleyes:

I do have the howtos printed out from....ooops can't remember the name of the place right now. Yes I am starting a list of questions to ask here at BT's when the time comes.

I was going to do it before vacation, then put it off until after, but now since that fall my eyesight has not been even up to my normal bad vision so I think I had really better finally go see the eye dr and get new glasses so I can even see what I will be doing on the install. Yes it has gotten that hard to see, though some days it does seem better so maybe it will return to what it was, but think I'd better see the dr anyhow if I can get an appointment sometime in near future but they are hard to get. I don't think I hit my head on anything in fall to cause any vision problems but I immediately noticed vision had gotten worse. I hope it's something simple like maybe it knocked my glass frames for a loop so that the astigmatism or something setting isn't focused in right spot? Or maybe The Lord is telling me to just go get my eyes checked for new glasses??? Now that is entirely possible!!!

But in meantime I think as long as I can keep this computer running, or at least limping along no worse than it has been for ages, I wont reinstall until I get new glasses. At least if I make a mistake I'd be able to see it then... now fixing any mistakes might be a whole different story!!! Ha! :rolleyes:

Way past my bedtime according to my nagging cat, so will say good night folks.


God bless everyone.

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