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ok, i have this game (diablo II)that will not install and it worked perectly on my dads computer (trying to install on my moms computer).It tells me to put in the play disk, loads aup a bit gets 50 % of the disk (not the complete installation, about 25% of it though) done and just stops. about a minute or two later a window pops upand it says:

Setup cannot read a required data file. your Diablo II CD may not be in the CD-ROM drive. PLease ensure your Diablo II disc is in the CD-ROM drive and press retry.

this game did not work a while back, (before the comp crashed)but it wuold install, just wuold not load properly, and wuold lag a lot while trying to play. but like i said, it works great on my old comp, my other old comp, and my dads old comp, but all other ghames work on this computer. (well, except the one like FEAR and CoD2 which are way to much for it).



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Do you have a spare you could swap into the computer?


How long has it been since you've tried to install it on one of these other computers?

Sounds like the disc is scratched. MIght try one of the various cleaning solutions/gadgets.

last weekend, but ill try it, but ill have to wait until the weekend as the cleaning thing is at my dads house.

and i did try cleaning it before.

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