Need Technical Advice...fix Comp. Or Buy New?

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I have a custom built computer with AMD Athlon 2000+ processor, 512 MB RAM,and 60 Gig HD, with Windows XP Pro.

My motherboard was an ECS K7SEM, which smoked and burned about 3 weeks ago. I ordered a K7SOM+ replacement board from ebay which came and does not have any video output. I amgoing to try to get my money back.

I also had to order 2 PC3200 Rams, 256MB each, for the new board. I spent $32 on the board, and $35 for the memory. I also spent $48 for a newpower supply before I bought the used board.

I need a computer, but money is real tight at the moment.

I can buy a Dell B110 computer, which will do the trick for $339 plus tax and $29 shipping.

Or....I can try to get a motherboard that might work for less money than a new computer.The thing worrying me is, that before the board smoked and died, I had an error message on startup saying that there was a corrupted system file.

If I buy a new board and processor, will I be able to start up the computer enough to load new drivers to it, or with the sys file error, I won't be able to? If I had a working computer, I could do a manual restore date which I have done many times. But the board without drivers, and different ones at that, scare me.

What would you do if you were me? I would love to hear it.

P.S. Can I use my old hard drive in a new computer with the filedamage??

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windows will reject the motherboard and you'll have to reinstall XP and call M$ to get your activation code. No matter which way you go it's gonna be a pain. Either your wallet or time is gonna take a hit. I'd say grab a new mobo and a cheap video card or keep the mobo you just bought and buy something along the lines of a GeForce MX 4000 or lower.

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Just get a $10 video card. Really! I doubt you will be able to return the board (w/out paying a high restocking fee anyways, which would cost more than the video card)

Is the slot by chance AGP? If so, PM me and we can work one out.

As far as Windows goes, you will need to run a repair installation after you put in the new MOBO. It's really not that difficult, you can get a lot of help here on the forum if there's problems

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I went to my local computer repair place, and they put in a video card, to see if we could bypass the non-video coming off theboard.....NO luck.

I need to return this laptop I am using, but need a computer that works.

If I get a new motherboard, will it work with my processor? I also bought the MB used from ebay. I don't think he has restocking fees.

As for the slot, I believe it's an AGPslot,but it doesn't seem to work with the video card we tried.

I don't mind spending an hour or two getting things up and running. Better than paying money for not needed stuff.

Is there a inexpensive MB I can get that would support my old Athlon 2000+ Proc.?Or, doI need a new proc since it's 3 1/2 years old?

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If you couldn't get video after having a tech putting in an AGP video card that was good I would suspect that the CPU was fried also. A bad CPU would cause the symptons you are describing. Seeing as you bought some PC3200 RAM (supposedly good) I would upgrade to at least a socket 754 micro ATX motherboard and CPU to replace your present setup. You will have to do a fresh install of XP and reactivate it as stated. On a side note, I tell customers to steer clear of ECS and PC Chips motherboards.

With that said, if you are just surfing the Internet, emailing and etc. I would opt for a new OEM computer such as a Dell, Emachine or etc. This way it will be under warranty and contain updated components. You could then slave your old hard drive in the new computer so the data could be saved.

Edited by TheTerrorist_75
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it sounds like you have bad memory.

SOmething is up with the memory in my old gateway. sometimes after working on it i have to rearrange the memory in order for it to work. if it doesn't wanna work the light on the monitor remains yellow unitl i get the memory sticks in the right order for it to work (that order changes at random it's really weird). SO either you need to try each stick or try different memory.

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Whenyou say SLAVE the old HD in the new system, how would one do that? Also, with the bad sys file, won't that be a problem?

You would hook your old drive to the middle of the IDE cable and set the jumper to slave. The sys file problem shouldn't be an issue when slaving the drive. You could always run chkdsk after slaving the drive. Once you haver saved the old data you could format the old drive and use it for extra storage. I doubt seriously the new memory is the cause of your video problems. You should still see the Bios screen. The tech would have checked that.

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Honda Boy, I tried one stick at a time in the primary slot. It doesn't get any signal. I would really love for this new board to work. The 2 memory sticks bought were supposed to be brand new. I installed them with no static. Everything powers up,but no video.

You probably should have had the tech test the board with a different CPU and RAM that he knew was good to determine if the board is bad. If the board is good and you send it back to the seller and he tests it as good you will be charged shipping both ways which would be the price of the board.

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