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I am feeling really dumb right now. I am not able to change any of the settings in this award bios. It says

PU/PD/+/-  : modify

I have tried "+", "-", "<ctrl>+", "<ctrol>-", "<shift>+", "<shift>-"

none of the above actions will change the settings. Am I missing something real obvious? I am feeling really incompetent :blush:

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can you explain a bit more when you say change the settings

do you mean an application setting

mine is an award bios

and im just not clear on what you mean

i agree some times we get a mental block

and you need to take a walk to the toilet and back

good luck


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I am trying to change some setting in the bios. For one, I need to change the boot order. I also need to disable onboard audio. I am able to navagate around to the differnt settings using the arrow keys, but I am not able to change any of the settings.

edit added//

I think the bios may be screwed up.

Edited by shanenin
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thanks, that worked. I must have been in 30 different computer BIOs menus before. I don't believe I never came accross this.

edit added//

until now, I had no idea their was a pageup or pagedown key.

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I believe that movement setting is common in older BIOS's. The worst, IMO, is the old Compaq BIOS - you have to click F10 on each menu to save and then save all changes or nothing goes in

I will have to remember that

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