Ialmrnt5 Display Driver Error

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Windows Display Driver

The ialmrnt5 display driver has stopped working normally. Save your work and reboot the system to restore full display functinality. The next time you reboot the machine a box will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to Mirosoft.

I am getting this message and I don't know what to do about it. Also, the next time i rebooted no information was sent by microsoft on how to fix it. My computer is now almsot inoperatable. None of the shortcuts work, instead it will bring up the (Windows Cannot Find the Program) message. From there I choose the right program from the list and then it will run. I have no idea how to fix this problem, because not even system restore will work, it comes up with the same message and I don't know where the actual system program is on the C: Drive. I have already given up a left kidney to run my Anti-virus programs and spyware, and both came up negetive, so it is no doubt a software error. Can anyone help me? :o

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