Destructive Worm Alert!

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From Spyware Weekly Newsletter:

The Kama Sutra worm, which has numerous aliases, is set to deliver its first destructive payload TOMORROW (February 3). This worm is believed to have infected anywhere from 200,000 to 700,000 computers worldwide.

The worm is programmed to destroy numerous antivirus program files and Microsoft Office document files, thirty minutes after an infected machine is powered up, on the third day of each month.

Microsoft has included detection for this worm in its Malicious Software Removal Tool. However, Microsoft is withholding that update from all but paying members of their "Windows Live Safety" and "OneCare" beta services. Microsoft refuses to release the update to the general public, before their regularly scheduled general update, on February 14th. I will have plenty to say about that in tomorrow's newsletter, believe me.

Whether you believe that you are infected or not, you should take precautionary steps now, just in case. Any documents created by Microsoft Office as well as .rar and .zip archives should be backed up and stored on separate, removable storage, such as a CD or DVD. Files and documents of this type will be corrupted beyond repair on infected machines.

Symantec has released a free tool that will remove the virus. Download the tool and run it, even if you are certain that you are not infected. It is a very small file and you have nothing to lose by running it. You don't want to be wrong and lose your boss's spreadsheets, now do you?

If you already have an antivirus program, make certain it is updated and run a full scan of your computer.

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