Can This Be Used To Reinstall Windows?

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From your link:

NOT an OPERATING SYSTEM - Allows System Builder to preinstall windows and customize the operating system for their customer's taste. Also allows you to put your company logos and information into your customer's Windows installation.

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I have these preinstall cds for many OS , including XP .

They do not include the OS.

What they do have is tools for customizing XP so that you can burn an OEM install CD if licensed to do so.

They are designed for computer builders (like DELL) as well as shops which buy say a thousand OEM operating system licenses a year and want to have the OS customized for their systems.

With this, you can edit the installer so that it displays your splash screen during boot, includes a driver files pack with the drivers for your line of computers ,and a lot more.Most specifically, they can be used to alter the installer to look for something prior to installing such as a specific bios entry (blessing) or motherboard chip or something else specific to make sure that you install it only on their computers (just as the installer on an update cd looks for a previous version of windows before it installs. This qualifies the builder as acting to prevent piracy of windows , letting them buy their licenses at a significantly reduced price.

I paid fifty cents for my copies, not $5.

I can verify that they do not include any of the files needed to install the OS, they only contain programs to make editing of the files which would be placed on an install cd easier.

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