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I've intstalled two games now and the same problem has occured. Lets say the games are on my hard drive, but I own them and I download and use no-CD cracks just because I don't want to put the CD in and run it from the CD ;) . The game seems to run properly and the splash screen comes up and then nothing happens. I really need some help. I just want to play games!!!

I tried to get help from a friend and i didn't understand a single word he said:

well this is wat u do

ur run the cmd drive and put it in ms_dos mode

then you look at the IP configuration and determine wat ctrl+ __ you have to hold

you boot it up in normal mode

and put it to m-dos

then do the same IP configuration thing

then you have to "explore" the .exe file for the game and look at #32

you take that and paste it into the cmd

and do the ctrl + __ thing

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here's something. reinstall the game and use the CD, use a CD Crack, or use a program that creates a virtual drive that the cd copy dwells. there is some program i saw in a tigerdirect catalog that did that. it was meant specifically for games. I can't remeber the name though sorry.

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this topic is closed, for the following reason.

Our Terms of Use forbid dealing with any possible way of maintaining Illegal software.

The posting of links or references to warez or any other type of illegal software is strictly forbidden. By doing so you risk having your user account terminated without warning. We will NOT help anyone we suspect of having obtained their software illegally.

And then there is this post I made last January, which I need to include in the TOU.

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