Unwanted Start/find Menu Additions

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Windows '98SE (if anyone remembers how to do anything with that):

My Start/Find menu has some additions that I can't figure out how to get rid of (or can't remember how I did it before). At one time all I had in there was Files or Folders. That's all I ever used it for and I vaguely recall intentionally removing all the other entries (thought I used TweakUI but there's no option in there for that --- that I can find).

Now there are several other things in there; Computer, On The Internet, People and Internet Audio/Video.

I accidentally clicked one and it's a (damn) Real Networks addition (it went to a Real Networks page). I only have the Real Player installed for the few times I'm on a site that uses it, I never use it otherwise. I can't find the option in Real Player to get rid of those settings, can't find it in TweakUI, can't find it in the Windows folder (like you can find and manage Start menu items from the Windows/Start Menu folder).

So, how do you manage entries in the Start/Find menu?

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are you trying to delete the entrys in the start search bar

it can be done in the reg

and i understand

mrublaster will also delete them i havent tried it

so dont quote me on it

or am i on the wrong path


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Windows 98/98 SE Tricks + Secrets - Part 5


These Registry hacks work with ALL Windows 98, ME and 2000 releases. [Thank you Dave!]

Courtesy of Skyler:

"To remove the "Find: On the Internet..." and/or "Find: People..." items from the Start menu, run Regedit and go to:


Once there, delete the following subkeys: "InetFind" (removes "Find: On the Internet...") and/or "WabFind" (removes "Find: People...")."

Courtesy of Pete:

"To remove these Start menu Find items: "On the Internet..." and/or "In Corel Media Folder..." [only if you installed Corel Media!], open Regedit and go to:


Once there, delete the following subkeys: "MediaFolderFind" (for "In Corel Media Folder...") and/or "WebSearch" (for "On the Internet..."). If you don't want any of them, delete the "Static" key altogether.

FIRST: Backup (export) the entire "FindExtensions" key to a REG file from the Regedit menu, to be able to restore it in the future by double-clicking on (merging) the REG file back into the Registry."

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I'm glad you asked about this, Jdoors. We had that crap on the Possessed Gateway and it dissapeared after we reformatted it. Never gave it a thought till your post. NOW I know to tell the kids not to download RealPlayer once we get it online (yeah, it's not online yet....I know, I know....but it's a nifty way to keep cooties off of it :thumbsup: )


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<bonks head> That's it, I probably used an aftermarket tweak tool. I haven't redownloaded any since the last reinstall (hadn't found a need for one, maybe now ... ).


I'll print the registry settings to check, thanks Terrorist75.


... wait ... Liz, are you saying my computer has cooties? Yeah, well yours has boogers!

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