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hi team just got a pm from a tntgeorge

who used to be at techtv

and im pasting the pm here

he knows all the old crowd


Start hey marty, well i'm glad to see at least one of the 'old guys' still around. we used to talk back when cherokee chief, preston, chappy fried dave & all those other guys i can't remember were on the boards. in fact your name was marty something back then wasn't it? well hope you remember. we all got talking on a string one time & i was guy from missouri ozarks, usa. well like i said, good seein' your still around, tanks, tom

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Definately remember ole George!

Sure hope you did point him in this direction Marty, tell him we're all here for the most part, and he's MORE than welcome too!

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yes i pointed him to BT

by link

so hope fully he will arive here

i was at g4 and i saw a post with tntgeorge the

user name

i mentioned i used to know someone with that name at techtv c.f.h

and he must have read it and sent a me a pm.

i also got an email from becky worley

trying to find the website of the nz rugby football union

as she played rugby for the united states world cup team [womans]

and knew some of the nz woman .

i also gave her the BT link.

but that was some months ago.

i mentioned it to pete and he said

she was security officer for think it was cnn

she checked all the compt security

im not sure if that was the right discription of her work.


when i first joined g4 the lady who used to

sign us in to techtv message board

cyndy -----forgot the other name

recognised my user name

and asked if it was the same person.

which i confirmed

and gave her the BT link

so im famous out side of my own country

hahaha pulling your legs ,

but we have the potential

of being another techtv c.f.h


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