Shutdown Problems, Hjt?

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I have been having problems lately shutting my computer down. Sometimes I will hit shutdown, and the computer restarts. Sometimes the computer just locks up on the "windows is shutting down" screen. When the computer locks I have to manually turn it off by holding down the power button. Even when I do get it turned off a while later I will come by and the computer is mysteriously running with power on.

I have also been getting a lot of windows protection errors lately. I then go into command prompt only, go to scanreg and have to start the computer from a previous cab.

I have Panda antivirus and firewall that is current. I have run spybot and ad-aware. Still having probs! Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!!

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"Even when I do get it turned off a while later I will come by and the computer is mysteriously running with power on."

I have no idea about your other problems, but read in a forum once about someone who had the same problem with the computer turning itself on--seems the door on her computer desk was bumping the power button! :blink: Your dilemma is probably caused by something else, but until an expert comes up with a fix, you can always check to make sure nothing is bumping your power button.

Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to post a hijack this log. Read the rules above this area to make sure you run the proper version and save it to the right place.


Edited by blim
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