Suse Or Knoppix?

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I like Knoppix Live CD but problem is that i have to set everything up which it a pain in the @$$!!

My Neighbor have SuSe installed (He a hardcore Red Hat) and i saw what SuSe look like, and it UIs, it look interesting. many people suggesting Try SuSe for personal use. So i am planning to use SuSe. i just want a Linux that only hold less than 1.5 gig. if it is possible for SuSe, then give me a go!

*AMEND* just surfed around SuSe in Torrent site, in, found out they are 3.4 gig...

For what i mean in SuSe less than 1.5 gig, i mean full installation (Partation)

Edited by DarkestDream
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I prefer SuSe over knoppix, it found all my hardware without any problems. I am running it on an old k6 500mh box and 8 g hd without problems. It took much less space than that to install

you can get a live version (runs from the cd) Here

The page also has a link for the hd version download

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I like Knoppix Live CD but problem is that i have to set everything up which it a pain in the @$$!!

My Neighbor have SuSe installed (He a hardcore Red Hat) and i saw what SuSe look like, and it UIs, it look interesting. many people suggesting Try SuSe for personal use. So i am planning to use SuSe. i just want a Linux that only hold less than 1.5 gig. if it is possible for SuSe, then give me a go!

*AMEND* just surfed around SuSe in Torrent site, in, found out they are 3.4 gig...

For what i mean in SuSe less than 1.5 gig, i mean full installation (Partation)


sorry you are not makign sense...

a 1.5 gig full install on one version of linux is not a Full install on another as it has more software... Full istall means to install all software the author included. This could be 5 word processers, 6 movie players, 3 web browsers, 4 spread sheets, 9 drawing programs.

why not just pick what you want and just install that.. its as simple as check and not check..

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I agree with robroy. Suse is an excellent first choice for a Linux install. I ran Suse 9.3 for a time on a Plll 500 and it ran very well. It has exceptional hardware detection and an easy to use installer called Yast.

Just pop the install 1st CD in, re-boot, and the installation program will walk you through it.

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how much of gig that SuSe take off my hard drive? i only have 5 gig left. And i dont have DVD burner, i only have CD


5 GB will be plenty for a standard Suse install. The install is between 1-2 GB. Then like iccaros said you can use Yast to pick and choose what extra programs you want to install.

Suse 9.3 uses 5 install CDs, but, it only uses a few files from each one. Just choose a basic desktop install and add programs later. Simple. :D

Edit: Added later: You can always buy some pressed CDs for a few bucks if you don't have a CD burner.

Buy Suse 9.3 Linux

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