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  IEatHardDrives said:
Ok I have a 5.1 sound system I cant tell if they all work is there a test to see if they all work.


There should be a speaker test with your sound card utilities. I seen them with my onboard sound drivers and with my Sound Blaster drivers. If you don't have it, you might be able to test them by playing a DVD that is able to play in 5.1 sound.

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in games you must set the sound to 5.1. my audigy2 zs has upmixing to change stereo to 5.1 too. it's great for music. some games like call of duty to activate 5.1 you have to change from miles fast 2D audio to EAX 1-4 or however many there are. always make sure that EAX is deactivated in windows before starting a game.

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