Download Torrents Automatically

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I am always so impressed at the ease of using python. It lets you make such useful stuff with so little code(or programming experience).

I like to download all of the new television shows. I forget which ones come out on which day, so i wanted to automate the process. This program depends on the python module feedparser (available at, It uses rss feeds provided by isohunt. The idea is you just need to to set your televison shows in this variable. below is a sample variable

feeds = [ ('medium', 350), ('the king of queens', 175), ('invasion', 350), ('two and a half men', 175), ('er', 0), ('yes dear', 175), ('deadwood', 0) ]

you need to set two parts, the first is the title. Make sure you include the full title, including words like: 'and', 'a', and 'the'. The second number is the file size of your avifiles. If you do not want to specify a target file size, set it to 0.

it seems you can only get current shows for about 5 to 6 days after they were released. So long as you run the script every 4 or so days you will not miss any new shows

to run it on linux, change to the directory you want your torrent files saved, then just run the script.

to run it on windows, just drag the file to the directory you want your torrents saved to and click on the icon.

here is a link to the code

Edited by shanenin
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could they just then add this to their windows ask manager and or their cron job.. This could also be used for getting updates or even new .iso updates from say if they wanted...

maybe a interface that lets the person choose from a list of torrents and have it always check for an upgrade by writing the config for the person once the torrents are picked??

just a thought..

have you looked into to make it gui for windows and Linux Mac systems?

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If anyone actually downloads television shows, I have a new version that works much better. The original version was missing about 10% of the new releases, this one seems to get nearly 100%.

My current program uses rss feeds to get the info, this happens under the hood. You do not have to get the actual feeds, it finds them. I am doing a new version that uses mininovas search engine, and parses the info from page source. This should be fast and get all of the totrrents immediatley(usually an hour or two after the show is aired).

If anyone wnats the updated versions let me know :-)

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