Way To Hack An Admin Pass?

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in school, we have a really fast network....but we can hardly do anything on it!!! and since the network is messed up, and it needs fixing, (like hooking up the printers correctly) is it possible to find out the admin password? the comuters are running os X version 10.3.4 and is a 1. powerpc g4 768MB ram..... and the desktops are like that too...



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in school, we have a really fast network....but we can hardly do anything on it!!! and since the network is messed up, and it needs fixing, (like hooking up the printers correctly) is it possible to find out the admin password? the comuters are running os X version 10.3.4 and is a 1. powerpc g4 768MB ram..... and the desktops are like that too...

Understand that any "fixing" you do may be looked at as doing harm to the school's machine(s). You will be responcible for all repairs (at repair tech rates), and or replacement.

I sub at local school and find these machines poorly maintained. I will clean cookies and temps and what not then update A/V, never the OS, scan and defrag. Machine usually runs better with just that. I never update the OS because problems that the machine may have whith software when I'm not there. It is amazing the amount of known spyware these machines have. I leave these also because most of them are search bar types.

Basicly what I'm saying is proceed with caution.


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