Coding Releases Endorphins

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Nah, it's just trace amounts of adrenaline being produced from a residual and suppressed version of the "fight or flight" mechanism. What your body is really telling you is "run."


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Nah, it's just trace amounts of adrenaline being produced from a residual and suppressed version of the "fight or flight" mechanism.  What your body is really telling you is "run."



that just backs up my theory. I think adreneline causes a release of endorphins. I noticed when you inject a large quantiy(300 - 500 miligrams) of methamphetamine. You would get an intense relaxed and euphoric feeling, almost sleepy(this was just temporary). methamphetamine casues a mass release of adrenaline, which the body then releases endorphins(my gut feeling) to counter the effects of the adrenaline.

In a normal flight of fight response your body needs to kill all pain, so you are able to run or fight, so it releases the best pain killer around, endorphins :-)

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