Bill Mellinson

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hi far is Baker Florida

away from the storm

bill mallenson was to email me 3-4-days ago

and i havent heard from him

is it far from the storm.

reading some of the techy members live near each other

keep safe guys.

ive watched it all on tele

perhaps now the world will

think about global warming

it takes tragedies like this for the world to wake up

my news service says deaths may run into thousands

my god that is a catastrophe


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Its up in the pan handle. Its likely his power is out.


Also, read this on "global warming".


yes i read that article

but i read where Fred Singer, aka

was talking for americain big bizness

who oppose any sanctions on global warming

it was on his advice

that bush admin

wouldnt sign the kyoto


so there are many conflicting stories .

look around the world

southeast asia china


in one erea it hadent rained for 12 yrs

and some towns were flooded out which hadent

been like that ever in the history.of the area

but the globe is comming to an end .

if we keep our heads in the sand for the sake of huge profits

the usa is only one of the culprits china is worse

and south america is another. industrialised countrys

put more polution in the air

than natural causes

my phylosophy

is if i die through global warming

so will every one else

un less nature takes over and that is whats happenning.


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now we're just waiting for Indonesia to send us some monetary aid.



ABC's world news tonight made the comment this was our tsunami. How many countries

helped Asia? I wonder how many will come to our rescue...


for the sake of those who died

i hope every one gets in and helps

i have already contributed to the the

redcross fund

it isnt a hell of a lot but it is something

our red cross isnt a big org

but even we help 2-3 three people

it is our duty to save lives and living condidtions.

i saw the pics in tele

and it was so sad to see so many people affected.

but it wont stopped there

can the area be relocated

to a safer area

i know what the answer will be how much will it cost .

what will the cost be after when it is all over.

has there been a count of live lost

tv here hasent got any

actual count .


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Thank You Marty for your contribution help. :wub:

Bless you for it. :wub:

Marty the counts of the dead wont start really mounting until the water recedes, then the mud and debris must be cleared away. That may take a long time. Now the Red Cross and others are just starting with the lists of dead, missing, etc.

So many people evacuated too, so getting a good firm count of who is where, and who is truly missing will take awhile.

We have had some major disastors in this country, but I don't think there has ever been one here before on such a massive scale as this, unless during the civil war? I don't know. It is beyond belief even as I watch the news reports from MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, and The Weather Channel etc, it is beyond comprehension and I'm a couple of thousand or so miles away from it (don't even know how far it is from here to there). Those who evacuated from the area, or are still in fringes of it with power to see news, or have visited some of those areas must be even more horror struck by the reports. And the family of people down there are worried sick for ones they haven't heard from.

I had been wondering too folks when, or if, other countries would help us. This country has always stepped up to help others in their times of need with immediate offers of help, so it would be nice if they remember us if only in their prayers. I have not seen any news (tv or newspaper) about other countries even officially acknowledging out time of trouble. The silence seems kind of strange!!! I hope they have sent their official respects and maybe I have just missed it in news, but seems like it would have been mentioned somewhere or other. Maybe tomorrow I will do some online news sleuthing.

Take care everyone, and make your own emergency plans for whenever you might need to implement them. And have an information hookup place way outside your area, so everyone in family can leave messages so your family knows what is going on and if you are ok, if something happens to your area. With phones including cell phones, electricity etc gone, communication is hard. So have a check in place like relatives or friends in other localities.

And have an emergency bag for every family member and pets, and take your computer cd or flash drive etc backups (or upload them to a Gmail account), just in case. Also take important papers, like insurance and all credit papers and cards, and banking/retirement papers. They may end up only ones in existance. I am sure there are other important things to take. So do a sitdown with family and brainstorm what you would need down the road if you lost everything at home/work. I plan to talk about this, more than we already have, with hubby. I am sure there are still things we need to consider and get ready in case of any disaster.


God bless everyone.

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