Oo.s 2.0 Outpreformed Office Xp

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Well, the topic said it all. there is a Slashdot.org news about it. Read it up. Slashdotted New

For me, i personally like OO.o, i just downloaded the beta version in torrent and took me about 7 min to download the whole 75MB zip folder. and fired up the installion. then i finally start OO.o, amazing it fast without the quickstarter (i dont personally like the Quick Load apps, a resource hogger) took me to open it in 3 sec flat. compared to 1.4 version, it took me 15 sec it open it. It a great apps i ever use and it improved it looks, matching the Xp style and they changed the names of those OO.o apps like Calc (Excel), Writer (Word), Base (Access), Draw (Frontpage), Impress (PowerPoint) and Math.

For me, i been using Office 2000 cuz it been stable to me for 5 years. i tried to use Xp but been ubstable for a while. so i switched back to 2000. 4 years ago, my friend installed OO.o and quite upset about and avoiding OO.o but i starting to use it more because it open source and it free, plus it more feature than Office do have. i just spotted Export to PDF. that a good signs cuz i hate to use those "PDF Printer". and enjoying using those OO.o.

For a couple of year, OO.0 starting to get mature. when i first get OO.o (i think it was 1.2 version that time) it reading my .doc but fail to saves as .doc fil. but i still get patient with it and until 1.4 is released, i use it and it more stable. but with 2.0 beta (1.9 version), it more stable and exporting as any word processor type as i want. and it working well with Excel now. but i do have tend to have problem with OO.o reading password-protected Excel file. so i dump all excel file and change it to OO.o. it really fit my needs.

The Main reason why i dump MS Office cuz everytime i open it, it crash down right away. My computer was upgraded from 98se to XP. after that upgrade, MS office having problem. i tried uninstall and reinstall, the problem still occur. and already delete those office registries, still problem. so i was forced to switch to OO.o which i have no problem with that, it fine with me. So far, no crash since i using it. it really a great apps and it still improving and maturing.

You dont have to take my word about OO.o. OO.o is using Java. Anyone of you have 256 MB RAM with XP, you might have to wait a long time to load OO.o cuz it loading Java too which it a resource hog.

Thanks for reading it :thumbsup:

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it not how fast it start, it just that there is more feature that MS Office dont not have like export to PDF for example, and it still stable. I been trying to stressing OO.o Calc, so far it still fine. i have 16000, IV cells, they full of words. so when i save them, it still handling it fine, it saving but take a while to get it save.

And awful thing about MS office is their grammer checker, my god, it sucks so bad. sometime their MS grammer didnt make sense in English rules. Guess MS dont follow the english rules

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believe me i'm no M$ Office fan and gladly welcome any alternatives. i have a bad habit of spouting off sarcasm and i was just arguing with someone else about him thinking that how fast a computer can load a program determines how much power the computer has. i haven't used open office in some but i guess it's time to update the windows machines anyways. i'm still running without any service packs. thanks for the link. :)

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