Echo Password W/ Asteriks

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Hey whats up peeps, I hope I'm not ruining these boards by being one of many g4's to try a different forum. Besides you guys have a linux board. SWEET!!

I remember years back I used Beehive linux (now defunct, but claimed to be an I686 derevitive of redhat) Among the many annoying default options 1)no write access to /dev/null 2)a user add script that has passwords expire after 7 days! and 3)limiting passwords to 3 to 8 characters

It did echo back the passwords w/ asteriks. How did it do this? It was mentioned to me /etc/login.defs and alter a line "getpass_asteriks 1" I don't have that line. Added anyway to no avail.

I'm not too familiar w/ the roles all the diff programs take durring a login -- shadow, pam, login, getty, etc. Is there anything in particular I should be be looking at to be able to echo back asteriks? Is it maybe something to due w/ a programs version or getpass being deprecated

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But it looks like it was either a third-party patch or was dropped a while back. You'd have to dig into PAM and the PAMified utilities now to see if there's a way to enable asterisk-echo.

Edited by jcl
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Hey whats up peeps, I hope I'm not ruining these boards by being one of many g4's to try a different forum.  Besides you guys have a linux board.  SWEET!!

I remember years back I used Beehive linux (now defunct, but claimed to be an I686 derevitive of redhat)  Among the many annoying default options 1)no write access to /dev/null 2)a user add script that has passwords expire after 7 days! and 3)limiting passwords to 3 to 8 characters

It did echo back the passwords w/ asteriks.  How did it do this?  It was mentioned to me /etc/login.defs and alter a line "getpass_asteriks 1"  I don't have that line.  Added anyway to no avail. 

I'm not too familiar w/ the roles all the diff programs take durring a login -- shadow, pam, login, getty, etc.  Is there anything in particular I should be  be looking at to be able to echo back asteriks?  Is it maybe something to due w/ a programs version or getpass being deprecated


it depends .. echo back form a command line, echo back from a Xwindow app or Display manager?

for the shell I do not believe you can on a local connection (there are ways on a remote connection I believe)

the passwd program (whos funtions are used for password stuff) was written to not echo anything. you may change the source code as it is open.. but other then that .. I don't know a way..

if its for changing passwords you can write a script..

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