5 tools to help you write killer essays

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Writing can seem like hard work all by itself, and you’ve undoubtedly spent hours staring blankly at your screen hoping for inspiration. And that’s just the writing part! Before that, you need to search for resources, do research, and organize your findings so you can properly cite them later.

We’ve put together a list of some helpful online tools and apps you can use to better streamline your essay writing process. Work some of these into your writing routine and — trust us — you’ll have a much better experience.



When you start doing research for your essay, there are a number of different tactics you can use to keep track of your sources. You could open up a Google Doc, for instance, and paste a bunch of URLs into it. Or you could jot your sources down in a notebook and refer back to them later. Memonic makes the process of saving content — and keeping track of where it came from — a whole lot faster. It adds a “bookmark” button to your browser and enables you to quickly clip bits of websites so you can find what you need and keep moving.



Saving a bunch of files to your computer can give you a headache when it comes time to look through them all and, later, reference them in your essay. ReadCube aims to make this process much more friendly by letting you search through all of your saved files from one location, and cite a source without ever having to get lost in a folder full of junk.



What good are custom descriptive essays if those reading it can’t understand what you’re trying to say? Readable’s readability score looks at your text and determines how difficult it would be for someone to read. If a sentence is too complicated, Readable highlights it and offers up suggestions on how it can be improved. And when your essay is easier to understand, the point you’re trying to make comes across more clearly.


EssayMama Citation Generator

One of the most confusing parts of writing an essay comes when it’s time to assemble your citations. Most essays require a section for references, which means you need to cite every source used in your paper to prove you’re backing up your claims with facts. EssayMama helps make the citation generation process easy, allowing you to plug in your sources and choose the reference style you need for your paper. EssayMama takes it from there.


Essay Writing Checklist

Once you’ve wrapped up your essay, you should do a run through it and make sure you haven’t missed anything. The above essay writing checklist gives you a handy way to go step by step through your paper and make sure you’re including everything you need.

Do you have some tools of your own that you want to shout out? Leave some links for us in the comments below!

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