possible very stealthy botnet

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I get no positive scans. I really doubt that Hijack will find anything. I do have historical hijack logs so maybe that might shed some light but I bet it only interfaces the browser and may not appear as a separate process but I could be wrong. I really had not though of this till now. What ever I use come up clean. HOWEVER, my Foxfire profile is quite scary! It has a SQLlight plug in plus dozens of script files and other strange file extensions. I have XP and browse using a limited account. Fortunatly, this had been limited to that account till I had the bright idea to uninstall Firefox and completely remove everything associated with it. I did so after cleaning out all temp files with an Oldtimer utility. After the installation I have the problem on my admin drive. I will be shopping for a new HD and may have to start fresh if I can't get some good advice.

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BestTechie has instated a 5 day policy for threads. If No reply within 5 days by the user we will close the topic so there will be no drive-by posting. Since there was no Malware fighters answering these boards at this time we will close these older threads !! So if you need this re-opened PM me or one of the Mods !! I will be here to assist you now with Malware problems ! Thanks Chuck

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