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  martymas said:
hi team these pics to me are disturbing.

what has our society come to.

for the sake of being a clothes horse

look here


i understand this girl is a wealthy model.

but is she going to live long enough to enjoy

this is what the clothing industry generates

that poor young lady dosent realise wht she has done to herself .

im saddend by those pics .


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i have to agree notmally models are good for the eyeballs

saves giving you eyes a massage.

but this young beyond massage.

the modeling industry can be quite lucretive .

but in this case, this girl has gone beyond lucretive.

i feel quite sad for her health.

what people will do for money

just as bad is those old hags who have face lifts ect to make them selves more beautifull.

i can spot all people who have had a face lift.

im ugly but im happy


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i found her

Hey mikex this is one of the models marty was talking about!

Found a couple


and her

i can't find a picture of the one girl that used the corset to (form) her 19" waist...It's a horrid practice. i read that she only takes the corset off for short times as it's actually painful for her..She can't drink anythink cold or iced because she cramps.

Thanks for your topic marty.

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