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I come across root kits quite often lately. I see it most often on machines infected with "antivirus 2009". This root kit will not allow installation of many programs, in particular, MBAM. My only solution to this problem is combofix. To this day, it has not let me down. I hate depending on one program to deal with rootkits. If that ever fails me, I would be lost.

Could any of you experts help we with the general method of dealing with rootkits. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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Some of these infections will as you mentioned not allow you to run MBAM. However, renaming MBAM usually will resolve that issue.

If you're still having issues even after renaming it, then I have had success with the following method:

NOTE: You need a clean machine to preform the following task.

Download, install, and update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

1. Create a folder on your desktop called Fix and put the mbam-setup.exe file in there

2. Open notepad and copy the following text into it exactly as written, then save the file as prep.bat in the Fix folder (make sure you select the drop downbox when saving the file that says "Save as type" and select "All Files"):

copy "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref" "%cd%"
ren "%cd%\mbam-setup.exe" 12setup.exe

3. Double click the prep.bat file you just created, the setup file should now be renamed and you should now have a file called rules.ref in the folder with it.

4. Create another batch file called install.bat and save it in the same folder:

copy rules.ref "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"
ren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe" mscan.exe
"%systemdrive%\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mscan.exe" /quickscan


5. Copy the folder you created containing the setup file, the rules.ref file and the 2 batch files to a flash drive or writable CD and copy the folder to the desktop of the infected computer. Once it's there, run 12setup.exe and after the installation is complete, double click on the second batch file you made called install.bat. Malwarebytes' should now run and scan your computer for infections. Once the scan completes, remove any infections it finds and reboot if necessary.

This should work pretty flawlessly. Let me know how it goes. Good luck! :)


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If you have a rootkit you need to post on the HJT forums. You need to do a more in depth scan than ComboFix or MBAM

I don't want you guys to clean a machine for me. I was hoping for some general knowledge on how to remove root kits.

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Some of these infections will as you mentioned not allow you to run MBAM. However, renaming MBAM usually will resolve that issue.

If you're still having issues even after renaming it, then I have had success with the following method:

NOTE: You need a clean machine to preform the following task.

Download, install, and update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

1. Create a folder on your desktop called Fix and put the mbam-setup.exe file in there

2. Open notepad and copy the following text into it exactly as written, then save the file as prep.bat in the Fix folder (make sure you select the drop downbox when saving the file that says "Save as type" and select "All Files"):

copy "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref" "%cd%"
ren "%cd%\mbam-setup.exe" 12setup.exe

3. Double click the prep.bat file you just created, the setup file should now be renamed and you should now have a file called rules.ref in the folder with it.

4. Create another batch file called install.bat and save it in the same folder:

copy rules.ref "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"
ren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe" mscan.exe
"%systemdrive%\Program Files\MSCANNER\mscan.exe" /quickscan


5. Copy the folder you created containing the setup file, the rules.ref file and the 2 batch files to a flash drive or writable CD and copy the folder to the desktop of the infected computer. Once it's there, run 12setup.exe and after the installation is complete, double click on the second batch file you made called install.bat. Malwarebytes' should now run and scan your computer for infections. Once the scan completes, remove any infections it finds and reboot if necessary.

This should work pretty flawlessly. Let me know how it goes. Good luck! :)


My normal routine is to rename both combofix and MBAM before running them. Thanks, I will try that in the future. MBAM is a great program, it is the best all around anti-malware program I have used.

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  • 1 month later...
Some of these infections will as you mentioned not allow you to run MBAM. However, renaming MBAM usually will resolve that issue.

If you're still having issues even after renaming it, then I have had success with the following method:

NOTE: You need a clean machine to preform the following task.

Download, install, and update Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:

1. Create a folder on your desktop called Fix and put the mbam-setup.exe file in there

2. Open notepad and copy the following text into it exactly as written, then save the file as prep.bat in the Fix folder (make sure you select the drop downbox when saving the file that says "Save as type" and select "All Files"):

copy "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\rules.ref" "%cd%"
ren "%cd%\mbam-setup.exe" 12setup.exe

3. Double click the prep.bat file you just created, the setup file should now be renamed and you should now have a file called rules.ref in the folder with it.

4. Create another batch file called install.bat and save it in the same folder:

copy rules.ref "%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"
ren "%systemdrive%\Program Files\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\mbam.exe" mscan.exe
"%systemdrive%\Program Files\MSCANNER\mscan.exe" /quickscan


5. Copy the folder you created containing the setup file, the rules.ref file and the 2 batch files to a flash drive or writable CD and copy the folder to the desktop of the infected computer. Once it's there, run 12setup.exe and after the installation is complete, double click on the second batch file you made called install.bat. Malwarebytes' should now run and scan your computer for infections. Once the scan completes, remove any infections it finds and reboot if necessary.

This should work pretty flawlessly. Let me know how it goes. Good luck! :)


I came up with this method and just wanted to clarify that it won't work as written (I goofed when I originally posted it). The folder can't be renamed, otherwise the program won't run because that's where MBAM looks for it's other files. The correct (and working) version can be found here:

I know this thread's kind of old, but I didn't want a non-working fix going around.

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