Videosurf Search Engine

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As most of you know I was working on a project this past year, however, I dropped the project over the summer due to lack of funding. Last Thursday, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal which talked about a new site called - it's a video search engine. This was my idea! I couldn't believe it! However, I wanted to take it a step further and include images and audio to create a complete multimedia search engine with social network capabilities so you could share, favorite, create playlists, and organize all your media content in one location.

I just thought I would let everyone know so you all didn't have to stay in the dark. ;)

You can read the full review/writeup here: Review


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I bet you used a word or two you can't repeat here when you first saw that site! :lol:


Well, I can't say I was in shock or angry really...I mean, it is a good idea and I expected it to be done by someone eventually (if it wasn't me) it was just a matter of when it would happen. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on them to see how they turn out.


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