Happy Anniversary!

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geez joe

the right wing will censure you

as they think he was justified

in sending troops there

my theory is

they went for two reasons

oil an made an excuse

sadam had weapons of mass distruction

and the other reason was

the war was to prop up the american econemy

wich was in freefall

and the stockmarket crash

would have happened earlier

i friend sent me

tony blairs book

and he reveals many things which would take to long to

post here

many people forget about him [especially the right wing]

but he was bushes

boot licker


Edited by martymas
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I thought it was going to be a BestTechie anniversary and was trying to calculate how long ago 2000 days was.

Got the grandkids over for the weekend.

The OL is making pancakes (with chocolate chips) bacon and eggs for breakfast; and I am going to fire up the grill and make burgers for lunch.

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