Lcd Monitor / Laptop Problem

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I having an extremely frustrating problem that I hope someone on here will be able to help me solve it.

I recently (about 2 weeks ago) bought a brand new Acer AL2216W 22 inch LCD monitor. I own an HP Pavilion ZD8000 laptop, with Windows XP Media Center OS. The lappy has an ATI Radeon Mobility X600 graphics card.

The problem is that the LCD refuses continually has a blank screen. When I boot up the computer, the LCD screen shows intermittently for 3 seconds and then goes blank. If I switch it off and then on it shows for 3 seconds, if I hit the FN button with the monitor toggle button, it shows for 3 seconds…..I think you get the picture, no pun intended.

I know that the monitor is working because I can drag a file on the extended LCD desktop space and open it, but will only get 3 seconds of viewing time. Here are the things that I have tried none of which has worked so far:

(i) updated video card driver supplied by HP since ATI does not supply drivers for the card/laptop combination

(ii) updated the BIOS

(iii) updated drivers for the LCD monitor

(iv) tried forcing the LCD monitor to be the primary screen.

Talking to technical support is a complete waste of time. And I cannot return the LCD monitor, its a very long story.

I have even checked the timing mode with Powerstrip against the documentation provided by Acer, and it seems correct.

I am not a computer expert but am very good at searching the web for solutions for problems I have with my computer. However, in this case I am truly confounded as there does not seem to be a solution to this on the web though it does appear to be a very prevalent problem i.e. the LCD monitor / PC, laptop incompatibility.

Hopefully someone on here can save me from pulling out all my hair.

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It sounds as if it may be a hardware issue. Try plugging the monitor into another compute. This would be a good way of testing it.

Thanks for responding. I think the problem is with some compatibility issue between the LCD and the video card. I have an old desktop and I get a "no signal" sign on the screen when I plug in the monitor but as I said the desktop is very old. However when I looked at the reviews of the monitor on, one of the reviewers had the exact same problem, but they were an expert and said they had to (i) re-write the driver and (ii) adjust the custom timing information. See the link below, the description of the problem is exactly what I am experiencing

But I do not have the technical ability to implement that solution

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