New-ish Spam Trick

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For the last couple of days my "suspect" mailbox has had two, three or more "E-mail delivery" mails. They look like official bounce-backs, but opening one in a safe mode revealed no addresses known to me. If you're not getting them yet ... you probably will. (I could, of course, just ignore the suspect mailbox, but I check once in a while in case something slipped my mind.)

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Double check that you are not infected, of course it is more likely that someone you know is infected and part of a spam botnet and that your email address was harvested by the spambot and is being used by the automated sender as one of the"from" addresses it puts in.

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Thanks. I keep all the anti-malware stuff current, but I'll run a manual check just to be sure.

Edit: Got another one today, the header included the "to" address, slightly scrambled, and it was for some web meds type of thing, so yeah, it's probably a new take on SPAM, just another way to trick you into opening their junk mail.


Edited by JDoors
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