Airport Base Station Question

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Hi Guys,

I'll be buying a macbook in the new year for my teenager.

So I'll also be buying an airport extreme base station. I notice at the apple store they have two base stations: 1. airport extreme station. 2. gigabit airport extreme station. Both units are listed at $199.

I've got adsl at home. Here is is my question. Which base station should I get? Will the gigabit station offer any more connectivity (faster?) than the regular one?

Thank you:-) Merry Christmas. :)


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the only difference is that the switch (4 port ) is Gig on the new one and 100mb on the other, but do you need another switch? how about the airport express, it also has speaker outs so you can place it at your stereo and have Itunes use your stereo as its output speakers..

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the only difference is that the switch (4 port ) is Gig on the new one and 100mb on the other, but do you need another switch? how about the airport express, it also has speaker outs so you can place it at your stereo and have Itunes use your stereo as its output speakers..

Thanks, iccaros:-) I'll go check out the express.

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Just to let you know you don't need to buy a apple airport your mac will work with any router.

I have both a extreme and a express. They both also work as a print servers. The extreme is a N router and you can plug any usb hard drive in and use as a NAS drive. And the extreme has a much larger range then the express, I actual turn the signal strength down because it was reaching two houses away and interfering with my neighbors wifi.

If you decide on a airport check the Apple online store for refurbished unites, usually the express goes for $79 and the extreme around $169.

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Just to let you know you don't need to buy a apple airport your mac will work with any router.

I have both a extreme and a express. They both also work as a print servers. The extreme is a N router and you can plug any usb hard drive in and use as a NAS drive. And the extreme has a much larger range then the express, I actual turn the signal strength down because it was reaching two houses away and interfering with my neighbors wifi.

If you decide on a airport check the Apple online store for refurbished unites, usually the express goes for $79 and the extreme around $169.

Thanks, isteve:-) I'm leaning toward the extreme as I'd like good range for my daughter; she'll be upstairs and the base station will be downstairs in the family room.

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