Booting To Dos In Win98

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I have recently installed Win98 on a partition in my second HD so

my grandkids can play some old DOS games that would not work

under XP. I also have (in addition to XP) a partition with Ubuntu

on it, as well. I use the Grub Loader to select which OS I want

to boot up.

I am sure that there is a way to get it to boot right to DOS and

not have to boot into Win98 and then choose "Shut down" and

finally choose "Restart in DOS mode"

Does somebody remember which file to edit and what the

command should be? Maybe it's not possible and I'll just

have to get used to doing all the extra steps.



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After 98 boots up, you shouldn't have to choose shut-down and restart in DOS--when the kids played DOS games, they just inserted the game or double-clicked the icon on the desktop. But maybe XP plays naughty with 98 when it comes to DOS games??

Got out the 98 for Dummies book and it says there's "MS-DOS Prompt" and if I remember right, it's in the start/programs menu.

"This remnant lets old-time computer users boss their computers around by tying in a command. It brings up an MS-DOS window, ready to run old DOS programs (and games!) In fact, it will even run Windows programs, if you're bored enough to type in the program's name and press the enter key"

Wondering what would happen if you started 98 in Safe Mode by tapping F8? Wondering if it gives the option of DOS start up? (I only used safe mode in 98 once and it was through using msconfig, so I'm guessing here!)


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Found this on Google.

Intended For

Windows 98

Windows 95

In Windows 3.x and earlier, one needed to load DOS before running Windows. In Windows 95 and 98, DOS is still there, kindof, but the command prompt is skipped when loading Windows. To go to the Command Prompt before loading Windows, follow these instructions.

Open the file C:\MSDOS.SYS with a text editor, like notepad.

You'll probably have to remove the Read-only, System, and Hidden attributes of the file before editing it.

Find the line that reads BootGUI=1, and change it to BootGUI=0.

Save the file and reboot your computer. Type Win to start Windows.

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Thanks for the input, folks. A couple of the games would not run right in a DOS window, and you actually

had to restart in DOS mode to get them to work, so Liz's idea wouldn't help with that. I will try JSKY's idea..

that sounds like what I was looking for.

The problem with using a DOS emulator like DOSBOX is that the darn games won't even decompress or install

a lot of the time so going back to a previous OS seemed like the only answer. I have LOTS of room on the

2nd HD so it's not a problem to have 98 installed.

Thanks again for all the help......I'll post back to let you all know how it went.


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