Need Help With A .reg File I'm Creating

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The following is a .reg file I created to secure my local computers in a telemarketing office... the only one that worked was the last rededit to disable the start button. Will someone that is very good at registry editing review this and tell me what I'm doing wrong so I can correct it and use this.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Disable Control Panel



;Disable Right Click







;Remove My Computer From Desktop (No Desktop Items)













;Disable Recycle Bin Properties







;Disable Start Button

;Delete Previous Entry


;Re-create with new name



"Menu Band"=reg_sz





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Well the first thing I would do is to make each operation a separate reg file

This way you can test each one and see if it does what you want.

Once you know it works, you can combine them.

I see a couple I wonder about (The - seems to be in wrong place) but it may just be my eyes are tired.


for example

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