Banking Alert

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hi team this warning is being telivised and teletexted around my country.

not sure if it is affecting ather parts of the world but if it involves money .

it can happen anywhere.normally only the greedy get caught out.

tho no one has the right to fraud others.


Internet users are being warned to be wary of offers to make "quick bucks".

police are investigating a Europe-based online banking scam after one New Zealander lost $18,000 and another $8,000.

They say bank account password are being recorded by a virus, which allows funds to be stolen and transferred into the temporary accounts of people known as 'mules'.

The money is then transferred into accounts overseas.

Sergeant Seager says the 'mules' are being sought through online advertisements promising quick cash.

She says people need to be wary, as no reputable company would make such an offer.

Ms Seager warns people to be vigilant when using online bank services, check their accounts regularly and report any discrepancies.

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