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A friend of mine said that thanks to Wine he does not use windows at all anymore. I searched for Wine on wiki but the explenations just confuses me. Something about making the dll files on windows compatable with Linux. Can someone please tell me in simplified english What Wine does? Would you recomend installing it?


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  freakout said:
A friend of mine said that thanks to Wine he does not use windows at all anymore. I searched for Wine on wiki but the explenations just confuses me. Something about making the dll files on windows compatable with Linux. Can someone please tell me in simplified english What Wine does? Would you recomend installing it?


Here's a link I found on Wine:

You should be able to easily install it using Synaptic in Ubuntu (you may need to add the Universe repository to get it though). To add repositories in Synaptic you need to click on Settings-------->Repositories--------+Add, then okay. After you've added the new Universe repo hit the reload button which will update synaptic and give you access to more software.

Then you open up Synaptic type in Wine in the search window, then select wine type apply. I don't use wine so I can't recommend it one way or another. Try it out, see how it works. :D

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WINE or Windows os not Emulated is a runtime wrapper around an executable. a wrapper is another program that executes a program and intercepts its calls to the OS.

As you can tell this is not perfect by any means as the wrapper must keep up with calls to Memory and other hardware, and supply native responses in the way the programs wants them to be seen. With Windows Programs this is compounded by the fact that Microsoft does such a great job of Documentation .

Rosetta does the same things on Mac OS X for Intel to allow you to run PPC OS X programs.

In the end WINE uses mostly the POSIX core of Linux and windows programs to link things together. It when programmers use things like Direct X do the Wine programmers have to really convert things.

Google Earth is a great example of how the WINE project ran by CodeWavers envisioned its use. That software makers would create one version of their code and could use wine to make it run on *nix machines, if its was written for windows. Google earth for Linux, is the Windows program wrapped in wine.

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  freakout said:
Wow! But doesnt that make linux more open for viruses from windows?

Very slightly. You can run a Windows antivirus app if you want ;)

WINE would probably blow up before a virus could do any damage.

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Sweet! Talking about viuses, I downloaded and installed avg for linux ( version 7.5 i think ) but the thing dissapeared! Gone like a cough in the wind. Cant find it. Anny suggestions?

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