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Have any of you guys noticed the selection of socket A mother boards is almost non existent. Newegg offers 5 of which 3 are out of stock. Tigerdirect does not have any. Zipzoomfly may or may not of had any(I forgot) . Of the boards I found, none of them have sata. Their are lots of of OEM computers with Athlon XPs. You would think they would carry a few more in stock. Just venting.

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Ebay is always a good place to go for harder to get parts(new and used). It is nice to be able to goto newegg and spend $45 for a new board and receive it in one to three days depending on the shipping you choose.

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yeah both socket A and socket 478 are rare. My preacher bought a pair of Socket A nForce 2 Ultra 400 boards not too long ago. Here's the link top where he got them.

Biostar M7NCD nForce 2 Ultra 400 Socket A motherboard

Edited by Honda_Boy
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hmmm I may need to get me one and a new PSU. I got an old eMachine someone gave me that had a fried, PSU and Mobo. Oh yeah I need a new HDD for it too since I used the one it had for another system. Time to make me a new Linux box to try out Kubuntu on.

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Apparently this is a common problem with the Emachines, when the PSU goes bad it takes out the mobo too. A friend who runs a local repair shop had 5 of them in in about a week

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Apparently this is a common problem with the Emachines, when the PSU goes bad it takes out the mobo too. A friend who runs a local repair shop had 5 of them in in about a week

I thought it was an urban myth, but it seems to be true. I have done two of them myself. I have friend you runs a large shop in town, and he says almost always the mobo goes with the psu(with emachines). I wish I new why this seems to be common with emahicnes. I wonder if it is to do with the power supplys they use. Maybe they blow in a diffferent way then others.

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The first thing to do when buying an eMachine is to replace the PSU. Any PC that uses the Bestec power supplies should have them replaced immediately. You can usually match up an eMachine motherboard with the original manufacturers matching motherboard and reload the OS without issue.

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emachines are pretty east to replace. Have any of you guys tried to replace a motherboard on a gateway? What a mess. Gateway does not sell replacment motherboards, plus replacing them with a standard board is a huge pain. One of the worst parts is gateway does not use an i/o plate. They machine the case only to fit the original motherboard. The only way you can get a board to fit is to cut a big rectangle out in back. This is an ugly hack. With out being able to install the i/o plate that comes with the new board, it leaves it unsupported. If I ever try it again, I may hotglue the new i/o plate in.

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I replaced 2 psu on the same emachine within 6 months. Customer thought I was trying get over on her, brought it to a different shop and replaced psu third time. I spoke with her in the supermarket and advised if it happened again to get a new machine.


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To replace any ATX PSU in a proprietary PC this SPARKLE FSP350-60PN ATX 350W Power Supply works quite well and is resonably priced. I am using Sparkle's 250W PSU to run my system after the Raidmax 400W power supply caught fire. Sparkle's PSUs seem like they put out much more than specified.

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