Those With Avg & Hjt Experts Need To Read This.

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From Bleeping Computer forums.

*Link removed to deleted thread*

AVG was falsely reporting a trojan (Flooder.Ake) then deleting a critical system file thereby causing your PC to keep rebooting. It was stated not to allow AVG to remove this "trojan". Some people had to do a repair install because of this. There were a couple of files to rename temporarily to stop AVG from detecting the "trojan" until a newer update for AVG straightened this out.


Found it posted at Grisoft's AVG forum.,backpage=,sv=


Posted by: kid_canuk (IP Logged)

Date: December 7, 2006 08:08PM


I was searching the forum to see if there was any news on this virus. It started Dec. 6th,2007. I know a person who got it and had to reinstall windows. If you want more info just google flooder.ake and you will find the info on it.

Re: flooder.AKE

Posted by: rdsok - Moderator (IP Logged)

Date: December 7, 2006 08:21PM

Please pay attention to where you are posting and make it fit the subject of the forum area you are in. Moved to the virus forum area.

Quoting Radek Janata - Grisoft Team

Unfortunately, this issue is caused by the false detection on particular version of "winlogon.exe" file. The false detection has been immediately fixed, however several users may have updated their AVG to this virus update containing this false definition. In order to solve this unpleasant issue, please proceed as follows:

1. Boot your computer to Safe mode. Power on (or restart) your computer, keep pressing F8 key until the Startup menu appears and choose "Windows in Safe Mode".

2. In the Windows Safe mode, navigate to following folder:


3. Rename rename the following files to avoid furhter deleting of "winlogon.exe".



4. Launch Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and remove the "__delete" value in the right pane from this key:


5. Restart the computer back to Windows normal mode

6. Update your AVG program to latest virus base version. Launch AVG or open AVG Control Center and press F9 key to update your AVG.

7. Then rename the SYS files back to their original names



8. Restart your computer for to get AVG Resident shield loaded again

The problem should be solved now.

Please note that this issue may happen on a very old Windows XP systems without any Service Packs. This issue doesn't appear on Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2. Therefore we strongly recommend to update your Windows XP to Service Pack 2, not only to get your computer secure. Visit [] to get the latest critical security patches for your operating system.

Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience.

Edited by TheTerrorist_75
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