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You could check the Event Viewer. That can be found by right-clicking "My Computer" and selecting Manage. Then click Event Viewer, go through each log there should be three: Application, Security, and System. Look through and see if there are any red x (error) reports that occurred around the same time as IE closing.

(part of this info above borrowed from Besttechie)

Edited by shanenin
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try tapping f8 on boot up

if it is a p2 try f1 or f2

once opened

go to safe mode in networking

then follow the screens

until you get to your desk top

if your compt dosent close by then

it will probably be an ap-plication


if it closes in safe mode

i suspect it is a hardware probley

video driver

or ram

it is hard to help with out more detail

are you able to virus scan

or spyware scan

or h-jack scan


Edited by martymas
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didnt shut off, i was on like half hour, it always shuts down by then, so it must be application error,

and i dont know how to scan for trojons or worms, or virus, spyware, or h-jck scan.........................

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