Java Example What Does Tis Do?

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while (X<0)

x += sTwoPI;


I have never seen += or the opisite -=


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it appears to be a counter. it will keep looping until the value of x is less then 0

I think these are equivailant(forgot my syntax, I don't know any java)

x += sTwoPI

x = x + sTwoPI

I will use python for an example. Lets say you want somthing to loop 5 times, each time it will print the value of "x". Once the value of x hits 5 it will stop

x = 0
while x < 5:
x = x + 1
print x

this is the same thing using the other syntax

x = 0
while x < 5:
x += 1
print x

My programming skills are so forgotten, I had to look up the syntax to do this.

Edited by shanenin
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so your saying its the same as doing a x++?

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shanenin is correct. Those are compound assignment operators. x op= y is equivalent to x = x op y (except that x is evaluated once instead twice).

Edited by jcl
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to be honest, I have never seen that syntax. Is that java?

c++ java, c# and VB and C

X++ would incrament X by one , its the same as X = X + 1

X-- is the opisite

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so since my entier class is as such

public static double fixAzimuth_02PI (double x)

while (x < 0)


x += sTwoPI;


while (x > sTwoPI)


x -= sTwoPi;


return x;


private static final double sTwoPi = 2.0 * Math.PI;

so I gather this is keeping x between 0 and 2*PI

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X++ would incrament X by one , its the same as X = X + 1

Not quite the same. x = x + 1 increments x and returns the new value, whereas x++ increments x and returns the previous value.

so I gather this is keeping x between 0 and 2*PI

Looks like but I'm not sure it's correct. Seem like the angle θ should be normalized to 0 <= θ < 2π rather than 0 < θ <= 2π.

Edited by jcl
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you are correct, ++x would incrament and send incramented while X++ incarments and sends prior but x is still incramented. so its the same as ++x

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